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Artifact artf6449 : Network Services Framework draft informational document
Tracker: Published
Title: Network Services Framework draft informational document
Informational document prepared by the NSI working group
Submitted By: Guy Roberts
Submitted On: 08/05/2010 4:34 AM EDT
Last Modified: 02/07/2011 12:14 PM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments (3)  
Group: *
Status:* Closed
Category: * Informational
Customer: *
Priority: * 1
Assigned To: * Joel Replogle
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
resolution: * Accepted
Greg Newby: 02/07/2011 12:14 PM EST
  Action: Move
Moved from Submit OGF Draft to Published
Group changed from Infrastructure to none (no value)
resolution set to Accepted
Status changed from Ready to Publish to Closed
Greg Newby: 01/31/2011 12:51 PM EST
There was some weirdness with the PDF generated, here is a replacement.
  Attachment: OGF Network Services framework v10.pdf (1.35 MB)
  Action: Update
Added an attachment.
Greg Newby: 01/24/2011 12:15 PM EST
Sorry for the delay; these will be published shortly.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 12/13/2010 1:03 PM EST
Thanks.  This will now be published as GFD-I.173.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Richard Hughes-Jones to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 2 to 1
Status changed from Author Action Needed to Ready to Publish
Guy Roberts: 12/06/2010 6:28 AM EST
Final version of NSF - for publication
  Attachment: OGF Network Services framework v10.doc (1.34 MB)
  Action: Update
Added an attachment.
Greg Newby: 11/22/2010 11:21 AM EST
Per the November 22 standards call, this document has been updated post-public comment.  Please upload the next version, and we will give final review
 prior to publication.  Thanks.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Joel Replogle to Richard Hughes-Jones
Priority changed from 3 to 2
Status changed from Public Comment Period to Author Action Needed
Greg Newby: 09/13/2010 2:09 PM EDT
Here is a public comment received via email:

From: Augusto Ciuffoletti <>
To: Greg Newby <>
Cc: All WG <>
Subject: Re: [wg-all] New documents in public comment
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 10:56:16 +0200

Dear Greg and all,

I browsed the informational document "Network Services Framework" and
appreciated it. I noticed that many of the issues covered in your document
are complementary with the content of a paper of mine that should appear on
the October issue of ACM Sigcomm CCR. You can find a preliminary version of
the paper at hope you find it of interest.

On my side, I plan to give a more detailed view to your document, and inform
you if something interesting comes to my mind.

Thank you,

  Action: Update
Joel Replogle: 08/24/2010 12:11 PM EDT
Entered 30-day public comment on 2010-08-24.  Apologies for the delay.

Public Comment URL:
  Action: Update
Guy Roberts: 08/10/2010 7:26 AM EDT
Following comments provided by Jeroen van der Ham:

I have reviewed the Network Services Framework document, and I believe it is a fine document, that reflects what the group has decided on, and 
provides a good framework for the coming work and documents.

I can't speak for the whole NML-WG, but my personal opinion is that the document is completely compatible with the goals and use of NML.

I do have some small remarks, mostly editorial:

The word "community" in the first sentence is italicized, and it shouldn't be.

Section 2.3 mentions a "NSI interface", which expands to a Network Service Interface interface, is that correct?

Just above Figure 6 is the line "Need more explanation of figure 6...", I assume that's fixed?

Figure 7 looks corrupted on the Mac version.

At the end of section 3.3 is a sentence with "serve as *a* both human readable".

In section 3.4 is a sentence ending in "[…], require temporal aspects to be understood and deterministic." I think I understand what it means, but it
 is a strange way to say it.

Section 3.5 mentions four types of trust, but then only three are enumerated.

Section 4.1 uses "intra-network" and "Inter-Network" (and once "intra-Network"). Why the different capitalization, what does that mean?

Figure 9 should also include the meaning of the abbreviation SDP, and it should be mentioned in the text explaining figure 9 as well.

At the end of section 4.2.1 is an enumeration of STP instances, according to the way they are enumerated, there are only 45 of them, not 90.

Section 4.2.2 is titled Service Demarcation Point (fix capitalization there too?), but the section mentions SDPs only once. The section should at 
least include the abbreviation, and perhaps some more wording about what it is and what it's for.
Figure 10 and accompanying text makes it unclear how grouping relates to SDPs, is a group an SDP, or is each pairing of STPs an SDP? Shouldn't it be 
called an SDP group?
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 08/08/2010 3:51 AM EDT
Thanks, this looks good and will go for 30-day public comment.  Once it's in public comment, please solicit your stakeholders for comments.   Even 
brief affirmative comments are useful.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 2 to 3
Guy Roberts: 08/05/2010 4:34 AM EDT
  Attachment: OGF Network Services framework v1 6.docx (2.31 MB)
  Action: Create
Added an attachment.

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