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Artifact artf6332 : Multi-Server Based Namespace Data Management of Resource Namespace Service
Tracker: Published
Title: Multi-Server Based Namespace Data Management of Resource Namespace Service
This document provides information to the Grid Community about namespace data management of Resource Namespace Service (
RNS). This document can be seen as the complementary to GFD 101, and the distribution is unlimited.

This document describes a multi-server based namespace data management system for Resource Namespace Service (RNS), 
which is introduced in GFD 101. In this system, RNS can be accessed through a master node, which provides the standard 
interfaces and functions defined in GFD 101. When the master node receives the RNS request, it will dispatch the request
 to one of the slave nodes based on load balancing policy. Every slave node stores a copy of the namespace data and 
responses to the read request, such as list and query functions, while only one slave node responses to the write 
request, such as add, update and remove functions. There is a data synchronization process to keep the data consistence 
on all the slave nodes. In this method, even though one or more slave servers failed, the RNS can also provide stable 
service. This multi-server based namespace data management system can improve the availability and scalability of RNS. 
Submitted By: Leitao Guo
Submitted On: 08/28/2009 4:06 AM EDT
Last Modified: 01/15/2010 2:03 PM EST

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf6332?nav=1&selectedTab=associations at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 08:45:59 GMT