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Artifact artf6294 : Guidelines for auditing Grid CAs
Tracker: Published
Title: Guidelines for auditing Grid CAs
This document provides the audit checklist which describes auditing items to be considered by IGTF accredited CAs, and 
acceptable evidence for the verification of these items.  Detailed processes of auditing are also described in this 
document which is intended as guidelines for auditing Grid CAs.
Submitted By: Yoshio Tanaka
Submitted On: 02/26/2009 4:05 AM EST
Last Modified: 05/01/2010 6:53 PM EDT

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments (5)  
Group: *
Status:* Closed
Category: * Informational
Customer: *
Priority: * 1
Assigned To: * Joel Replogle
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
resolution: * Accepted
Greg Newby: 05/01/2010 6:53 PM EDT
  Action: Move
Moved from Submit OGF Draft to Published
Group changed from Security to none (no value)
resolution set to Accepted
Status changed from Ready to Publish to Closed
Joel Replogle: 04/20/2010 12:07 PM EDT
Published as GFD-I.169 on 2010-04-19.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 04/13/2010 10:10 AM EDT
Sorry: this is GFD-I.169, not 168.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 04/13/2010 10:05 AM EDT
This looks read to me, and will now be published as GFD-I.168.  Thanks to the authors/editors for their efforts on this document!

  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Jens Jensen to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 2 to 1
Status changed from Author Action Needed to Ready to Publish
Yoshio Tanaka: 04/13/2010 7:53 AM EDT
Thanks for comments.  I have revised the document to highlight L2 and L3 headings.
I have also changed Matt's email address.

Any more comments are appreciated.
  Attachment: AuditGuidelines-Apr13_2010.doc (315.5 KB)
  Action: Update
Added an attachment.
Jens Jensen: 04/13/2010 6:23 AM EDT
One minor point, Yoshio, I know Matt's email address has changed to matt.viljoen -at-

Looking at Greg's comments and the document, I wonder if it would be worth highlighting the L2 and L3 headings, they currently look the same as 
ordinary text. Would it be useful to highlight them to make it clear L1>L2>L3.
  Action: Update
Yoshio Tanaka: 04/12/2010 10:30 PM EDT
I have revised this document as requested.
Please review if this is ok.

  Attachment: AuditGuidelines-Apr13_2010.doc (315.5 KB)
  Action: Update
Added an attachment.
Greg Newby: 03/15/2010 4:50 PM EDT
There are some formatting problems with this document that I cannot fix, because the hierarchy of sections is not clear.

Required changes:
1. add a table of contents
2. update the IP and Copyright sections using the current template (I think yours are older)

For (1), you can use MS Word's section headings (Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.) to existing sections, then have it generate a table of contents.

The paragraph formatting is also uneven..some indentations, some not.

The content seemed OK, but in order to fit well with the document series, and have a professional appearance, the formatting also matters.

Thanks for working on this.  We'll get it published, once the final version arrives.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to Jens Jensen
Jens Jensen: 03/12/2010 4:30 AM EST
Oops, you're right, mea culpa.

I have also attached the document, and provide a link as well:
  Attachment: AuditGuidelines-Jan20_2010.doc (278 KB)
  Action: Update
Added an attachment.
Assigned To changed from Jens Jensen to Greg Newby
Greg Newby: 03/11/2010 9:51 PM EST
Jens, we need the document.  Please add the editable version to this tracker, or you could email it to me.  It sounds like there are changes from the 
last file uploaded to this tracker.

  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to Jens Jensen
Status changed from Ready to Publish to Author Action Needed
Jens Jensen: 03/10/2010 11:25 AM EST
Greg, the authors have confirmed that they have addressed the last issues (there were only minor edits left to do and they have now been done.) Please
 publish this document.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Jens Jensen to Greg Newby
Status changed from Author Action Needed to Ready to Publish
Greg Newby: 10/12/2009 11:49 AM EDT
This document was discussed by the steering council at OGF27.  The AD (Jensen) will follow up with the group to assess status.
  Action: Update
Assigned To set to Jens Jensen
Greg Newby: 04/22/2009 10:56 AM EDT
Authors/editors: comments are here:

Please read and respond.  If needed, prepare a revised document.  Then, get information back in this tracker (or via email) to move the document to 
the next phase in the publication process.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Joel Replogle to David Groep
Priority changed from 3 to 2
Status changed from Public Comment Period to Author Action Needed
Greg Newby: 02/28/2009 7:00 PM EST
This is now headed for 30-day public comment.  Authors/editors: please solicit people to make public comments, especially from your WG.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 5 to 3
Status changed from Editor Review: Initial to Public Comment Period
David Groep: 02/27/2009 3:44 AM EST
Greg, I'm quite happy with the doc. Please push it further down the the pipeline. I've assigned it to you and set the status to Editor:Initial. Please
 use version "Feb26" 
  Thanks, DavidG.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from David Groep to Greg Newby
Status changed from Author Action Needed to Editor Review: Initial
Yoshio Tanaka: 02/26/2009 8:17 PM EST
Yes, I'm sure that it is ready for public comment.  Please send it for 30-days public comment.  Thanks.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 02/26/2009 3:17 PM EST
This looks good to me.  Once you are confident it's ready, we can send it for 30-day public comment.  I will wait to hear from you.  Greg Newby, OGF 
  Action: Update
Category changed from Community Practice to Informational
Priority changed from 2 to 5
Yoshio Tanaka: 02/26/2009 8:46 AM EST
Hi David,

Thanks for the editorial changes and suggestions about the category of this document.  I agree that Informational is better fit to this guideline 
rather than Community Practices.  Please set the status to Editor:Initial.

Thanks for the prompt response.
  Action: Update
David Groep: 02/26/2009 4:31 AM EST
Hi Yoshio,

I've made some minor editorial changes to the status and abstract sections to make it better compliant with the format. 
Also, I think that it's slightly better suitaed for Informational rather than Community Practice, since it by nature only deals with a specific 
example (the classic profile) and described the situation at a specific point in time (the reference set is based on the Classic AP v4.1). I've 
changes the status accordingly in the new version I attach to this tracker for your comments.

If we all agree, I'll set the status to Editor:Initial.

  Thanks for the hard work!
  Attachment: AuditGuidelines-Feb26_2009.doc (291.5 KB)
  Action: Update
Added an attachment.
Status changed from AD Review to Author Action Needed
Yoshio Tanaka: 02/26/2009 4:05 AM EST
  Attachment: AuditGuidelines-Feb17_2009.doc (289.5 KB)
  Action: Create
Added an attachment.

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