This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf5828?nav=1&selectedTab=history at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 13:52:33 GMT SourceForge : artf5828: Create a "VO" Section

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Project: OGSA-D-WG     Trackers > Architecture Document > View Artifact
Artifact artf5828 : Create a "VO" Section
Tracker: Architecture Document
Title: Create a "VO" Section
There should be a section early in the document that talks about the role of Data in a VO.  This should take into 
account section 8.5 as well as the VO comments in the Security section.  This section should provide an overview of the 
role of VOs in the data architecture as well as the issues that data brings to a VO.  It should also deal with the issue
 that a VO can be smaller than an organization.
Submitted By: Allen Luniewski
Submitted On: 03/09/2007 11:58 AM EST
Last Modified: 09/02/2007 6:47 PM EDT
Closed: 09/02/2007 6:47 PM EDT

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
 (5 Items)
Field Old Value New Value Date Performed By
09/02/2007 6:47 PM EDT Dave Berry
Closed 09/02/2007 09/02/2007 6:47 PM EDT Dave Berry
There should be a section early in the document tha ttalks about the role of 
Data in a VO.  This should take into account section 8.5 as well as the VO 
comments in the Secirity section.  This section should provide an overview of 
the role of VOs in the data architecture as well as the issues that data brings 
to a VO.  It shoudl also deal with the issue that a VO can be smaller than an 
There should be a section early in the document that talks about the role of 
Data in a VO.  This should take into account section 8.5 as well as the VO 
comments in the Security section.  This section should provide an overview of 
the role of VOs in the data architecture as well as the issues that data brings 
to a VO.  It should also deal with the issue that a VO can be smaller than an 
03/23/2007 1:37 PM EDT Allen Luniewski
Document structure
03/09/2007 1:10 PM EST Allen Luniewski
Assigned To None Allen Luniewski
03/09/2007 1:10 PM EST Allen Luniewski

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf5828?nav=1&selectedTab=history at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 13:52:33 GMT