This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf5818?nav=1&selectedTab=comments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 13:52:33 GMT SourceForge : artf5818: Section 2: Overall Coherency

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Artifact artf5818 : Section 2: Overall Coherency
Tracker: Architecture Document
Title: Section 2: Overall Coherency
Section 2 needs to read like a coherent whole.  This should involve an introductory paragraph and a connecting thread 
through the document.
Submitted By: Allen Luniewski
Submitted On: 03/01/2007 12:42 PM EST
Last Modified: 09/02/2007 6:59 PM EDT
Closed: 09/02/2007 6:59 PM EDT

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
Group: *
Status:* Closed
Category: *
Customer: *
Priority: * 3
Assigned To: * Allen Luniewski
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
Dave Berry: 09/02/2007 6:59 PM EDT
Several changes have been made to improve this section.
  Action: Update
Closed set to 09/02/2007
Status changed from Open to Closed
Allen Luniewski: 03/16/2007 1:16 PM EDT
  Action: Update
Assigned To set to Allen Luniewski
Allen Luniewski: 03/16/2007 1:16 PM EDT
  Action: Update
Description changed from
Section 2 needs to read like a coherent whole.  This shoudl involve an introductory paragraph and a connecting thread 
through the document.
Section 2 needs to read like a coherent whole.  This should involve an introductory paragraph and a connecting thread 
through the document.

Allen Luniewski: 03/09/2007 1:17 PM EST
  Action: Update
Category changed from Access to none (no value)
Allen Luniewski: 03/01/2007 12:42 PM EST
  Action: Create

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf5818?nav=1&selectedTab=comments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 13:52:33 GMT