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Artifact artf5639 : Do we have the right participants at OGF?
Tracker: Discussion Topics
Title: Do we have the right participants at OGF?
The follow discussion was raised by Charlie:

Hi Dave-

At present I interpret data regarding meeting participation to show that the software providers are not engaged with OGF
, and therefore the stated goals of the roadmap draft are not achievable.  I base this statement on data from OGF 
meetings over the past two years (though the statement can be made going further back as well).

Of the dozen or so key TeraGrid software components, I see only tentative buy in from the Globus team and the rest of 
them range from tentative buy-in to ignoring OGF intentionally.

Of the companies who are participating, only the following companies average more than 6 participants at OGF meetings:  
HP, IBM, NEC, Fujitsu, Sun.  IBM (17) is the only one averaging more than 9 people.

Platform, Intel, and Microsoft average 3 or fewer.

These numbers may represent management buy-in to the idea of OGF, but surely this is an exceedingly small toe-hold into 
the software provider parts of these companies.

So I would actually turn the question around and ask "can these providers guide what specs we are developing?"  I don't 
have an answer to that question, but getting them engaged seems to be a logical first step.

I am not trying to be negative or pugnacious.  I am simply interpreting cold hard facts regarding who is coming to OGF 
meetings to participate.  I think those facts are showing a pretty strong message but I am not convinced that the 
message is being heard.  I'm happy to entertain a different interpretation of this data.

Submitted By: David Snelling
Submitted On: 11/21/2006 8:48 AM EST
Last Modified: 11/21/2006 11:26 AM EST

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf5639?nav=1&selectedTab=associations at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 15:21:18 GMT