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Artifact artf5638 : Some comments from Geoffery
Tracker: Tasks for our Technical Strategy Document
Title: Some comments from Geoffery
Geoffery provided the following:

I think it would important to define 
a) Assumptions made in article e.g. what is or is not a Grid e,g.
    Is Skype a Grid or more generally are P2P systems grids?
    Is Amazon S3 and Elastic Computing Cloud a Grid?
    Are systems built around BOINC (SETI@Home technology) Grids?

b) The article starts on virtualization but one powerful approach to this -- namely Enterprise Service Buses and SOA -- 
is not usually defined as a Grid. Again some would argue that social networking sites (and Web 2.0 in general) are more 
powerful than virtual organizations as used in Grids. 

c) Of course many think that Web services (the Web) did it all before Grids. Yet others think Web services are an 
unnecessary complication and REST is all you need.

d) Some consider " Grids have proven their value to scientific and engineering applications whether in academic, 
government or LOB organizations" controversial as so many projects have been successful "proofs of concept" but not 

These points can be addressed but its not so easy in the short length envisaged for this document. Also addressing them 
would lead to many caveats and make case less convincing to some. It could be useful to decide on audience (market) you 
are addressing and focus on it so you can address their prejudices. 
Submitted By: David Snelling
Submitted On: 11/20/2006 10:54 AM EST
Last Modified: 01/04/2007 4:42 AM EST
Closed: 01/04/2007 4:42 AM EST

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf5638?nav=1&selectedTab=attachments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 15:22:11 GMT