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Artifact artf5637 : Some comments from Paul
Tracker: Tasks for our Technical Strategy Document
Title: Some comments from Paul
Following the request for commenst from the BoD, Paul Strong provided these, whcih sparked a discussion thread:

Firstly – this is a great start.
Specific comments on the slides –
Scope Of OGF
It may be useful to separate this slide into 2 slides, one with a broad scope and one with the examples or focus areas 
as is the current case.
Perhaps the broad scope should include something about –
Enabling Grid Computing via working together, sharing experiences and developing standards that enable…
o        Treating the [Inter?]network (or subsets thereof) as a shared, integrated platform
o        The development of applications and services that leverage this platform, ranging from the computationally 
intensive to the transactional  
o        Heterogeneous (homogeneous assumed) implementations of that platform and applications/services with 
interoperable components
o        The management of the applications/services and the platform (Grid) they run on
o        Within And Between Enterprises/Organizations, inc Data Center and Collaboration
I may be slightly off base but I see the core of Grid being the view of the network of computers, or a sub set of it, as
 a pervasive, shared, integrated platform.  All of the rest are perspectives on that platform.  How do I share within an
 enterprise/organization?  How do I share across organizations?  How do I make my applications scale to take advantage 
of this platform?  What are the system calls that my applications/services have to make to that platform?   How do I 
manage the platform and the hosted applications?  Etc. etc.   At least for me, this vague view helps provide a context 
for everything else.
Perhaps we could again break this down into what and how. For example…
Identify Requirements
Use cases, scenarios – for
The application of grid technologies
Managing grid implementations
Core technical requirements
Enable Implementation
Develop standards – Architectural etc.
Open Source implementations
Drive/Encourage Adoption
Highlight successful implementations
Provide points of reference – patterns, reference implementations
Through a community –
Regular meetings (telecom)
Regular summits (F2F)
Comments with respect to the document –
Clearly the slides comments apply equally well to the doc.
First a general comment - I notice that the reference model/OGSA reconciliation effort is not identified as a high 
priority. This may merely be because it is not a use case per se, but rather something that most of the use cases depend
 upon in order to address their requirements.  I do believe that addressing this is a key to making all of the rest 
successful and as such it needs to be specifically addressed in the strategy document.
Whilst I appreciate the JFK-esque thrust, I have a minor issue with statement on page 3 –
The Open Grid Forum should commit all its available resources to the goal that before this decade is out, commercial and
 academic organizations will build real operational grids using OGF defined components.
I would replace “…components” with “standards”.  Clearly our role is to enable the building of operational grids 
using interoperable, standards based components.  However I think that our role is to define sets of logical components 
and interfaces, but not necessarily the realized components – these will probably be implementation specific.
Submitted By: David Snelling
Submitted On: 11/20/2006 10:35 AM EST
Last Modified: 11/20/2006 10:51 AM EST

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