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Artifact artf5521 : HPC Job Scheduling: Base Case and Common Cases
Tracker: Published
Title: HPC Job Scheduling: Base Case and Common Cases
This document describes the set of use cases for batch job scheduling of scientific/technical applications, also broadly
 referred to as the core high performance computing (HPC) use case.  A simple base case is defined that we expect to 
have universally implemented by all batch job scheduling clients and schedulers. Additional "Common Cases" are 
enumerated, which are anticipated to be applicable to at least two but not all batch job scheduling clients and 
schedulers. This Base Case and Common Cases will be used as a set of requirements for the forthcoming GGF proposed 
recommendation entitled "OGSA™ HPC Profile". This document is a product of the OGSA HPC Profile WG of the Global Grid 
Submitted By: Marty Humphrey
Submitted On: 07/27/2006 2:01 PM EDT
Last Modified: 05/06/2007 4:46 AM EDT

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments (2)  
Group: * APME
Status:* Closed
Category: * Informational
Customer: *
Priority: * 0
Assigned To: * None
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
resolution: *
Greg Newby: 05/06/2007 4:46 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Joel Replogle to none (no value)
Priority changed from 1 to 0
resolution changed from Accepted to none (no value)
Greg Newby: 05/06/2007 4:45 AM EDT
  Action: Move
Moved from Submit OGF Draft to Published
Group changed from Compute to APME
resolution set to Accepted
Status changed from Ready to Publish to Closed
Joel Replogle: 05/03/2007 3:21 PM EDT
Published as GFD.100 on 2007-05-03.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 04/20/2007 2:21 PM EDT
This will now be published as GFD-I.100.
Joel, would you please tend to the header/footer (also
copyright & IP statement from our templates).

Thanks to the editors for their work on this document.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to Joel Replogle
Status changed from Editor Review: Final to Ready to Publish
Greg Newby: 03/20/2007 10:42 AM EDT
The editors wish the current/last version of the document to be considered as final.  This document is in final editor review prior to publication.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Ramin Yahyapour to Greg Newby
Priority changed from 2 to 1
Hiro Kishimoto: 03/13/2007 4:29 PM EDT
Basically, here's the single comment:

Section 2.2:  State diagram -- This discussion neglects the "held" job state -- that is, a state where the job cannot run or is not considered to 
scheduling due to administrative/policy reasons.  This is not the same as
"queued", in that a "queued" job may be considered for scheduling whereas a "held" job is not.  This is touched on tangentially in the discussion of 
preemption/suspension in Section 3.8, but I would argue that "held" jobs should be considered as part of the base case.

We discussed this comment at length in one of the calls at the end of last year, and we thought it was a reasonable comment, but that the group felt
that it did not belong in the "base Case". We believe that our discussions with the implementers for the Supercomputing demo reinforced our belief 
it was not appropriate to have it in the base case. Note that this is explicitly dealt with in the "Extensions", so we acknowledge this issue (we
just believe that it does not belong in the base case).

So, in short, we respect this comment, and we appreciate the person taking the time to make this comment, but we don't believe that a modification to
the document is warranted. So we would request that the document as written be published as an OGF Informational Document.
  Action: Update
Status changed from Author Action Needed to Editor Review: Final
Greg Newby: 12/08/2006 3:59 AM EST
Sent a notice to the authors that this document is awaiting their response.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 10/24/2006 10:45 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Priority changed from 3 to 2
Greg Newby: 10/24/2006 10:44 AM EDT
Public comment is complete.  Authors/editors, please review comments, and make any changes to a new document.  Upload that new document (if needed) 
here, and set the trackekr back to Greg Newby.  The next phase for this document will be a final Editor review.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Joel Replogle to Ramin Yahyapour
resolution changed from Accepted to none (no value)
Status changed from Public Comment Period to Returned to Author(s)
Greg Newby: 09/03/2006 7:40 PM EDT
The public comment link:

Public comment period will end on September 20.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 08/15/2006 10:41 AM EDT
This document looks good, and will now
be moved to 30-day public comment.

I made slight updates to replace "GGF"
with "OGF," but no other changes.
  Attachment: draft-ggf-ogsa-hpcp-use-cases-02.doc (143.5 KB)
  Action: Update
Added an attachment.
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 5 to 3
Status changed from Initial Editor Review to Public Comment Period
Greg Newby: 07/31/2006 3:38 AM EDT
This is now in initial editor review.
  Action: Update
Assigned To set to Greg Newby
Priority changed from 4 to 5
Status changed from AD Review to Initial Editor Review
Marty Humphrey: 07/27/2006 2:01 PM EDT
  Attachment: draft-ggf-ogsa-hpcp-use-cases-01.doc (146 KB)
  Action: Create
Added an attachment.

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf5521?nav=1&selectedTab=comments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 08:44:20 GMT