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Artifact artf3535 : (743) Centralize an ongoing drafts repository
Tracker: Suggestions
Title: (743) Centralize an ongoing drafts repository
Rather than have separate draft repositories setup for each GGF, there
should be a common, ongoing draft repositories for authors to submit their
current draft. This respository should be purged periodically (eg. 6 months)
to remove stale documents. The GFD.1 drafting naming conventions should be enforced for submission. GFD.1 calls for this
 repository for drafts that have been submitted to the Editor, but I believe this repository should be open to all 
documents submitted for GGF discussion.

This has the advantage of training the community to use a common location 
to look up current drafts for all groups and have the location be consistent over time (ie. readiliy bookmarkable). 
Furthermore, it has the advantage of encouraging refreshing of drafts between GGF meetings..
Submitted By: Dane Skow
Submitted On: 02/24/2004 9:28 PM EST
Last Modified: 02/28/2006 4:06 PM EST
Closed: 02/28/2006 4:06 PM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
 (2 Items)
Field Old Value New Value Date Performed By
02/28/2006 4:06 PM EST Greg Newby
2006-02-28 12:06:20
02/28/2006 4:06 PM EST Greg Newby

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf3535?nav=1&selectedTab=history at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 08:39:49 GMT