This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf3503?nav=1&selectedTab=attachments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 08:39:48 GMT SourceForge : artf3503: (192) Appliance Aggregation Survey

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Artifact artf3503 : (192) Appliance Aggregation Survey
Tracker: Suggestions
Title: (192) Appliance Aggregation Survey
This document presents a survey of the field of appliance aggregation and describes its role within the Grid Community 
from a social and scientific perspective. The introduction describes  a specific context in which the Grid might be 
expected to have a socio-economic impact. It relates the existing study of technology usability, uptake and social-
shaping' to the interface between personal communication and computational devices, interoperating with the user, each 
other and the Grid through an appliance aggregation architecture. A terminology section is given followed by  an 
overview of existing standards relating  to this field and a comparison of the current research and development of 
related technologies within the GRID and P2P worlds.  Finally, a taxonomy and three user scenarios or case studies are 
presented.  .
Submitted By: None
Submitted On: 06/06/2003 11:47 AM EST
Last Modified: 08/23/2005 9:58 AM EST
Closed: 06/09/2003 4:22 PM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments (1)  
File Name File Size Added By Added On
draft-ggf-appagg-survey-00.pdf 131.22 KB No user 06/06/2003 11:47 AM

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/sfmain/do/go/artf3503?nav=1&selectedTab=attachments at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 08:39:48 GMT