Greg Newby: 05/06/2007 4:46 AM EDT
Action: |
resolution changed from PUBLISHED to none (no value)
Greg Newby: 07/13/2005 1:14 AM EST
Comment: |
Mass Update
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Open to Closed
close_date changed from - to 2005-07-12 22:14:43
Priority changed from 1 to -
resolution changed from <None> to PUBLISHED
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 01/18/2005 11:26 AM EST
Comment: |
Mass Move
Action: |
artifact_group changed from DATA to <None>
artifact_status changed from Closed to Open
assigned_to changed from 111 to 100
Category changed from Informational to <None>
resolution changed from Published to <None>
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 01/18/2005 11:26 AM EST
Comment: |
Mass Move
Action: |
group_artifact_id changed from Submit GGF Draft to Published
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 01/18/2005 11:26 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from ready to publish to Closed
close_date changed from - to 2005-01-18 10:26:04
Greg Newby: 01/08/2005 6:11 PM EST
Comment: |
My mistake - this should be GFD.040 (as mentioned below). We'll change this... gbn
Action: |
Greg Newby: 01/07/2005 3:01 PM EST
Comment: |
Thanks. This will now be published as GFD.044. We appreciate your hard work, and excellent contribution.
-- gbn
Action: |
Greg Newby: 01/07/2005 3:01 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Pending Info from Authors to ready to publish
assigned_to changed from 122 to 111
Priority changed from 2 to 1
resolution changed from Returned to Authors/Group to Published
Greg Newby: 01/03/2005 10:48 PM EST
Comment: |
I have had further email correspondence with the authors, and expect the final copy of this document shortly. Once it is uploaded to the tracker, we
will go ahead and publish it.
-- gbn
Action: |
Greg Newby: 11/22/2004 3:12 PM EST
Comment: |
Per email from Piers: Yes, please go ahead and make the minor change to the IPv6 address size:
>>>Regarding the IP version independence guidelines doc, the longest possible
>>>IPv6 address is not 39 characters like
>>>rather it can be
>>>which is 50 characters.
Other changes to apply (these are all minor):
- Insert current date in p1 header
- Work through the document looking at all occurrences of the word "should." Generally, this should be changed to a different word or phrase ("the
authors recommend..." or "for compatibility, developers might..."). This is to make sure "should" is not ambiguous compared to its use in a
specifications document. You don't need to change every "should," but please change those that can without needing to perform verbal gymnastics.
- since the table of contents spans pages, go ahead and start it at the top of the 2nd page (leaving blank space after the abstract on the first page)
- spell out IPv6 and IPv4 on first use, i.e., "the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)". Also spell out GGF, WG, IETF and any other acronyms on first
- remove extra hard return prior to 5.6
- Section 7, security: I think it's worthwhile mentioning at least two items here. One is the role of IPsec, which is mentioned earlier. Seems to me
that security-conscious developers might choose IPv6 in order to use IPsec. Second is to mention the possible dangers of failure by developers to
account for the possibility of either protocol being used. Whether to mention these or other security items is up to you, but from my point of view
these are security considerations that are worth mentioning.
Thanks for your work on this document! Once you have addressed the above (either by responding or going ahead with changes), upload the final
document as a .doc and it will be published.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 11/22/2004 3:12 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Final Editor Review to Pending Info from Authors
assigned_to changed from 302 to 122
Priority changed from 1 to 2
Greg Newby: 11/04/2004 7:57 PM EST
Comment: |
Per email from Piers, I will provide a little editorial feedback, then will go ahead and approve these information documents for publication (tracker
#981 & 982).
Action: |
Greg Newby: 11/04/2004 7:57 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Pending Info from Authors to Final Editor Review
assigned_to changed from 122 to 302
Priority changed from 4 to 1
Greg Newby: 11/02/2004 1:11 PM EST
Action: |
Child Artifact Association Added set to 982
Greg Newby: 11/02/2004 1:10 PM EST
Comment: |
gbn: Sent email to Piers O'Hanlon requesting his feedback on the effectiveness of public comment for this and associated document #982. Status
changed to Awaiting Author Feedback.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 11/02/2004 1:10 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Public Comment Period to Pending Info from Authors
Priority changed from 3 to 4
resolution changed from <None> to Returned to Authors/Group
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 09/28/2004 3:42 PM EST
Comment: |
No comments have been made regarding this document so it will re-enter public comment period again.
Due date: 10-28-04.
Action: |
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 08/13/2004 10:47 AM EST
Comment: |
Document will now enter 30 day public comment period.
Due date: 9-13-04
Action: |
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 08/13/2004 10:47 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from GFSG Review to Public Comment Period
Charlie Catlett: 08/12/2004 4:19 PM EST
Comment: |
This draft has completed the necessary steps prior to
being made available for public comment. Authors,
working group / research group chairs, and Area
Directors should encourage individuals to participate
in the public comment process and should announce
the public comment availability to appropriate
communities and groups.
Public comments can be viewed and submitted via
the GridForge Editor pages (see Forums) or:
Public comments play an important part in the advancement
of a GGF draft and publication as a document in the
GGF document series.
An active public comment period strengthens the case
that the document is a useful and desired work product
for some community of consumers.
Action: |
Charlie Catlett: 08/12/2004 4:19 PM EST
Action: |
Priority changed from 4 to 3
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 07/22/2004 11:17 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from AD Review to GFSG Review
Priority changed from 5 to 4
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 07/21/2004 12:52 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Open to AD Review
assigned_to changed from 108 to 122
Priority changed from - to 5