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Document Details (Active Version)
Document Name: PGI Security Model
Document ID: doc15584
Description: This high level summary would seem a useful non-normative preamble to any security document produced by the group.

Describing the current established base and where we propose to go would give a VERY SHORT CONCISE roadmap document and illustrate the benefits of this work.
Version Comment: Take into account remarks of Oxana SMIRNOVA
Version Created By: Etienne URBAH - 04/16/2009 11:28 AM EDT
Status: Draft
Current Version: 11
Size: 11.92 KB
Lock:  Unlocked

Versions Associations Review  
  Active Version Version Comment Review Created By Status
Active Version 11 Take into account remarks of Oxana SMIRNOVA Etienne URBAH - 04/16/2009 Draft
Version 10 Precisions about VOMS servers. VO managers MUST verify the content of their 'vomses' file - For old versions of GSI, replace 'MUST' and 'SHOULD' by 'we advise'. Etienne URBAH - 04/14/2009 Draft
Version 9 Rename 'GSI-style X509 proxies' as 'Globus proxies' - NEW versions of GSI (since version 4.0 approximately) accept both RFC-3820-compliant X509 proxies and Globus proxies. Therefore, any grid middleware using old GSI should migrate to new GSI. Etienne URBAH - 04/07/2009 Draft
Version 8 In fact : - OpenSSL accepts only RFC-3820-compliant X509 proxies - GSI and VOMS servers accepts only GSI-style X509 proxies, which should be DEPRECATED. Etienne URBAH - 04/02/2009 Draft
Version 7 Typo correction Etienne URBAH - 03/30/2009 Draft
Version 6 OpenSSL and GSI implementations of TLS both accept exactly the same X509 proxies compliant to RFC 3820 Etienne URBAH - 03/30/2009 Draft
Version 5 In order to handle X509 proxies, we regrettably have to take into account both the OpenSSL and GSI implementations of TLS, which are incompatible. Etienne URBAH - 03/27/2009 Draft
Version 4 Take into account comments of Vincenzo CIASCHINI and Duane MERRIL Etienne URBAH - 03/26/2009 Draft
Version 3 Minor correction Etienne URBAH - 03/24/2009 Draft
Version 2 I tried to take into account the comments of Duane MERRIL, Oxana SMIRNOVA, Steven NEWHOUSE and Vincenzo CIASCHINI. Etienne URBAH - 03/24/2009 Draft
Version 1 23 March 2009 Etienne URBAH - 03/24/2009 Draft

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