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Document Details (Active Version)
Document Name: Grid Certificate Profile
Document ID: doc13741
Description: This document describes the possibilities and limitations for attributes and extensions in X.509 certificates that are usable by grid infrastructures, and defined the requirements for both CA and end-entity certificates.
Version Comment: version with comments from e-Science council included (v0.27)
Version Created By: David Groep - 03/27/2008 6:31 AM EDT
Status: Draft
Current Version: 19
Size: 311.02 KB
Lock:  Unlocked

Versions Associations Review  
  Active Version Version Comment Review Created By Status
Active Version 19 version with comments from e-Science council included (v0.27) David Groep - 03/27/2008 Draft
Version 18 Corrected typo in the document and UK inconsistency (0.26) David Groep - 01/16/2008 Draft
Version 17 Incorporated information on IE7 compatibility as per public comments, and editorial updates after the CAOPS telcon David Groep - 11/08/2007 Draft
Version 16 version 0.24 (editorial cleanup of references and notes) David Groep - 11/06/2007 Draft
Version 15 version 0.23, incorporating all the Public Comments David Groep - 10/17/2007 Draft
Version 14 version 22, enw author list David Groep - 05/08/2007 Draft
Version 13 version 0.21 David Groep - 03/06/2007 Draft
Version 12 version 0.20 David Groep - 02/01/2007 Draft
Version 11 version 0.19 David Groep - 01/25/2007 Draft
Version 10 version 0.18: reformatted to OGF template and added nameConstraints draft text David Groep - 12/01/2006 Draft
Version 9 new version 0.17: Clarified use of Country(C) attribute in subject and issuer names David Groep - 11/30/2006 Draft
Version 8 v0.16, with Kaspar's and Mike's comments David Groep - 11/02/2006 Draft
Version 7 version 0.15, with Mike Helms comments and Jens's text David Groep - 11/01/2006 Draft
Version 6 version 0.14 David Groep - 10/27/2006 Draft
Version 5 reformatted to GGF document template, internal version 0.12 David Groep - 09/29/2006 Draft
Version 4 Interval version 0.10, with comments Kaspar and Jens David Groep - 08/17/2006 Draft
Version 3 Internal version 0.9, with Unicore NJS updated for EKU David Groep - 08/16/2006 Draft
Version 2 Internal version 0.8 Comments from Ursula have been incorporated David Groep - 08/16/2006 Draft
Version 1 Internal version 0.7, PDF format David Groep - 08/16/2006 Draft

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