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Project: JSDL-WG     Documents > Root Folder > Published Docs > JSDL 1.0 > Document Details
Document Details (Active Version)
Document Name: draft-ggf-jsdl-spec-28
Document ID: doc12582
Description: The JSDL Specification (version 1.0, draft 28) -- GFD-R-P.056 -- DO NOT EDIT --
Version Comment: Same as draft 27 with all changes accepted. Uploaded to GGF Editor tracker.
Version Created By: Andreas Savva - 11/06/2005 10:00 AM EST
Status: Final
Current Version: 28
Size: 773 KB
Lock:  Unlocked

Versions Associations Review  
  Active Version Version Comment Review Created By Status
Active Version 28 Same as draft 27 with all changes accepted. Uploaded to GGF Editor tracker. Andreas Savva - 11/06/2005 Final
Version 27 Limits type change, added 'use' on attribute declarations, namespace updates, reference updates Andreas Savva - 11/02/2005 Final
Version 26 Minor updates after AD review. Schema change to add processContents=lax Andreas Savva - 11/01/2005 Final
Version 25 Same as draft 24 but with all changes accepted. Andreas Savva - 10/22/2005 Final
Version 24 Minor change to fix hyperlink in Appendix 1. Andreas Savva - 10/22/2005 Final
Version 23 Minor typographical corrections. Andreas Savva - 10/19/2005 Final
Version 22 Changes to address public comments. Update of jsdl schema namespace. Andreas Savva - 10/11/2005 Final
Version 21 Namespace change of jsdl-posix. Editorial changes. Andreas Savva - 06/14/2005 Final
Version 20 Cleanup and various minor feature changes. Merged schemas. Andreas Savva - 06/08/2005 Final
Version 19 Updates and changes per teleconf and list discussions (lots of them) Andreas Savva - 05/26/2005 Final
Version 18 Updates and changes per teleconf and list discussions Andreas Savva - 05/01/2005 Final
Version 17 Cleanup and updates stemming from GGF13 discussions Andreas Savva - 04/13/2005 Final
Version 16 Annotated with issues from GGF13 Ali Anjomshoaa - 03/28/2005 Final
Version 15 Minor changes, also added more text in the relation to other standards Andreas Savva - 03/14/2005 Final
Version 14 New process topology section, argument(s), units, re-organization, etc Andreas Savva - 03/09/2005 Final
Version 13 Accepted changes, updated filesystem definition, operator. Andreas Savva - 02/14/2005 Final
Version 12 Feburary 1, 2005 updates from January's discussions Darren Pulsipher - 01/31/2005 Final
Version 11 Cleaned up and then revised from the F2F. Andreas Savva - 11/30/2004 Final
Version 10 Includes comments from GGF12. Ali Anjomshoaa - 09/29/2004 Final
Version 9 Version by Darren. Reviewed on Aug. 31 call. Andreas Savva - 09/13/2004 Final
Version 8 Processed GGF11 changes. Added a number of comments to keep track of things to do. Andreas Savva - 07/04/2004 Final
Version 7 Snapshot after final GGF11 session (5) review Andreas Savva - 06/09/2004 Final
Version 6 Snapshot after GGF11 session 1 review Andreas Savva - 06/07/2004 Final
Version 5 Some additions/revisions to introductory and Identity and Data sections. Andreas Savva - 06/05/2004 Final
Version 4 Resource and data attribute changes. Deleted security, scheduling. Added some introductory words. Andreas Savva - 05/16/2004 Final
Version 3 Merged in separate drafts. Andreas Savva - 02/24/2004 Final
Version 2 Ali Anjomshoaa - 01/25/2004 Final
Version 1 Andreas Savva - 11/17/2003 Final

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