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Artifact artf6586 : Hierarchical naming
Tracker: Use cases
Title: Hierarchical naming
NSI requirements:
1) Prefer a hierarchical over a flat namespace for STP identifiers to prevent distribution of all names, and having to 
search a flat namespace.

What does this mean for topology distribution? Also: how to distribute the human readable name for each STP?

2) Given the name of a STP (or other network element), how to get more info about this network element? In particular, 
how to determine the Topology identifier of a STP?

Options are: encoded in the name, distributed along with the STP identifier with a huge lookup table, a distributed 
lookup table (e.g. dynamic delegation discovery system, RFC 3402).
Submitted By: Freek Dijkstra
Submitted On: 08/02/2012 11:29 AM EDT
Last Modified: 08/02/2012 11:29 AM EDT

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