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Artifact artf6584 : Properties of a Location
Tracker: Schema Progress
Title: Properties of a Location
Proposal: Allow the following attributes in a NML Location:

• long is the longitude in WGS84 coordinate system (in decimal degrees)
• lat is the lattitude in WGS84 coordinate system (in decimal degrees)
• alt is the altitude in WGS84 coordinate system (in decimal meters)
• unlocode is the UN/LOCODE location identifier (country code + municipality)
• address is a vCard address
• name is a human-readable string

and if artf6573 is accepted also:
• id is a URI identifier

Note that this proposal does NOT include:
• ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 – two-letter country
• ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 – three-letter country
• ISO 3166-1 numeric – three-digit country codes (numbers, so it's script-independent)
• ISO 3166-2 - provinces and states

The reason for not including these is that in my experience UN/LOCODE covers most use cases, and can easily be related 
to country. If we indeed want to also include countries (not cities) or states/provinces, we can allow ISO 3166-1 alpha-
2 and/or ISO 3166-2 as well. There are probably no problems with such extension.
Submitted By: Freek Dijkstra
Submitted On: 08/02/2012 8:25 AM EDT
Last Modified: 11/30/2012 7:54 AM EST
Closed: 11/30/2012 7:54 AM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
 (5 Items)
Field Old Value New Value Date Performed By
Closed 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 7:54 AM EST Jeroen van der Ham
Last Call
11/30/2012 7:54 AM EST Jeroen van der Ham
Under discussion
Last Call
08/08/2012 10:35 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
– Visualization / Geo-data
08/08/2012 10:35 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
Proposal: Allow the following attributes in a NML Location:

• long is the longitude in WGS84 coordinate system (in decimal degrees)
GWD-R-P February 2012
• lat is the lattitude in WGS84 coordinate system (in decimal degrees)
• alt is the altitude in WGS84 coordinate system (in decimal meters)
• unlocode is the UN/LOCODE location identifier (country code + municipality)
• address is a vCard address
• name is a human-readable string

and if artf6573 is accepted also:
• id is a URI identifier

Note that this proposal does NOT include:
• ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 – two-letter country
• ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 – three-letter country
• ISO 3166-1 numeric – three-digit country codes (numbers, so it's script-
• ISO 3166-2 - provinces and states

The reason for not including these is that in my experience UN/LOCODE covers 
most use cases, and can easily be related to country. If we indeed want to also 
include countries (not cities) or states/provinces, we can allow ISO 3166-1 
alpha-2 and/or ISO 3166-2 as well. There are probably no problems with such 
Proposal: Allow the following attributes in a NML Location:

• long is the longitude in WGS84 coordinate system (in decimal degrees)
• lat is the lattitude in WGS84 coordinate system (in decimal degrees)
• alt is the altitude in WGS84 coordinate system (in decimal meters)
• unlocode is the UN/LOCODE location identifier (country code + municipality)
• address is a vCard address
• name is a human-readable string

and if artf6573 is accepted also:
• id is a URI identifier

Note that this proposal does NOT include:
• ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 – two-letter country
• ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 – three-letter country
• ISO 3166-1 numeric – three-digit country codes (numbers, so it's script-
• ISO 3166-2 - provinces and states

The reason for not including these is that in my experience UN/LOCODE covers 
most use cases, and can easily be related to country. If we indeed want to also 
include countries (not cities) or states/provinces, we can allow ISO 3166-1 
alpha-2 and/or ISO 3166-2 as well. There are probably no problems with such 
08/02/2012 8:26 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/go/artf6584?nav=1 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 23:47:36 GMT