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Artifact artf6553 : Allow idRef/id in parent/child of a Relation
Tracker: Schema Progress
Title: Allow idRef/id in parent/child of a Relation
Currently, and id is used in the XML parent element of a Relation, and a idRef is used in the XML child element of a 

- allow idRef in XML parent element of a Relation
- allow id in XML child element of a Relation

Current (remains allowed):

<nml:Link id="">
  <nml:Relation type="isSource">
    <nml:Port idRef=""/>

Proposal (currently not allowed, may be allowed with this proposal):

<nml:Link idRef="">
  <nml:Relation type="isSource">
    <nml:Port id=""/>

Submitted By: Jeroen van der Ham
Submitted On: 03/29/2012 11:55 AM EDT
Last Modified: 11/30/2012 8:18 AM EST
Closed: 11/30/2012 8:18 AM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
 (8 Items)
Field Old Value New Value Date Performed By
Closed 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 8:18 AM EST Jeroen van der Ham
Wait for Other
11/30/2012 8:18 AM EST Jeroen van der Ham
So far we have identified several different relations. We have defined them all 
in a single direction (hasTopology, hasNode, hasPort, isSource, isSink, etc.).

The question now is whether we want to allow the inverse of relations as well.

An example of where this is necessary has been brought up by Aaron:

A client domain may want to correct locally how a Link is connected by them, but
 this Link is originally described by the Provider. There are two options:

1) Allowing descriptions of idRefs:
<Link idRef="">
  <nml:Relation type="isSource">
	<nml:Port id=""/>

2) Allow inverse of isSource
<nml:Port id="">
  <nml:Relation type="hasSource">
	<Link idRef=""/>

So far we have identified several different relations. We have defined them all 
in a single direction (hasTopology, hasNode, hasPort, isSource, isSink, etc.).

The question now is whether we want to allow the inverse of relations as well.

An example of where this is necessary has been brought up by Aaron:

A client domain may want to correct locally how a Link is connected by them, but
 this Link is originally described by the Provider. There are two options:

1) Allowing descriptions of idRefs:
<Link idRef="">
  <nml:Relation type="hasSource">
	<nml:Port id=""/>

2) Allow inverse of isSource
<nml:Port id="">
  <nml:Relation type="isSource">
	<Link idRef=""/>

My apologies, I used the wrong inverses for the original example. The example is
 fixed now.
04/02/2012 4:00 AM EDT Jeroen van der Ham
Under discussion
Wait for Other
08/08/2012 10:01 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
UML schema
XML syntax
08/08/2012 10:01 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
So far we have identified several different relations. We have defined them all 
in a single direction (hasTopology, hasNode, hasPort, isSource, isSink, etc.).

The question now is whether we want to allow the inverse of relations as well.

An example of where this is necessary has been brought up by Aaron:

A client domain may want to correct locally how a Link is connected by them, but
 this Link is originally described by the Provider. There are two options:

1) Allowing descriptions of idRefs:
<Link idRef="">
  <nml:Relation type="hasSource">
	<nml:Port id=""/>

2) Allow inverse of isSource
<nml:Port id="">
  <nml:Relation type="isSource">
	<Link idRef=""/>

My apologies, I used the wrong inverses for the original example. The example is
 fixed now.
Currently, and id is used in the XML parent element of a Relation, and a idRef 
is used in the XML child element of a Relation:

- allow idRef in XML parent element of a Relation
- allow id in XML child element of a Relation

Current (remains allowed):

<nml:Link id="">
  <nml:Relation type="isSource">
    <nml:Port idRef=""/>

Proposal (currently not allowed, may be allowed with this proposal):

<nml:Link idRef="">
  <nml:Relation type="isSource">
    <nml:Port id=""/>

04/02/2012 10:13 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
Allowing inverse relations
Allow idRef/id in parent/child of a Relation
04/02/2012 10:04 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
So far we have identified several different relations. We have defined them all 
in a single direction (hasTopology, hasNode, hasPort, isSource, isSink, etc.).

The question now is whether we want to allow the inverse of relations as well.

An example of where this is necessary has been brought up by Aaron:

A client domain may want to correct locally how a Link is connected by them, but
 this Link is originally described by the Provider. There are two options:

1) Allowing descriptions of idrefs:
<Link idref="">
  <nml:Relation type="isSource">
	<nml:Port id=""/>

2) Allow inverse of isSource
<nml:Port id="">
  <nml:Relation type="hasSource">
	<Link idref=""/>

So far we have identified several different relations. We have defined them all 
in a single direction (hasTopology, hasNode, hasPort, isSource, isSink, etc.).

The question now is whether we want to allow the inverse of relations as well.

An example of where this is necessary has been brought up by Aaron:

A client domain may want to correct locally how a Link is connected by them, but
 this Link is originally described by the Provider. There are two options:

1) Allowing descriptions of idRefs:
<Link idRef="">
  <nml:Relation type="isSource">
	<nml:Port id=""/>

2) Allow inverse of isSource
<nml:Port id="">
  <nml:Relation type="hasSource">
	<Link idRef=""/>

03/29/2012 11:57 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/go/artf6553?nav=1 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 23:46:13 GMT