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Artifact artf6536 : Service Syntax in XML and RDF
Tracker: Schema Progress
Title: Service Syntax in XML and RDF
NML currently defines three services: AdaptationService, DeadaptationService and SwitchingService.

Proposal for syntax in RDF:

  @prefix  nml:  <">
  urn:ogf:...:myservice     a                   nml:SwitchingService  .

Proposal for syntax in XML:

  <nml:SwitchingService id="...">

Alternative RDF and XML syntax:

  @prefix  nml:  <">
  urn:ogf:...:myservice     a                   nml:SwitchingService  .
  nml:SwitchingService      rdfs:isSubclassOf   nml:Service  .

  <nml:Service type="" id="...">

Rationale for this proposal: because of the very different relations associated with a AdaptationService and a 
SwitchingService (and later perhaps a tunable label service), the different services are described in a different way in
 the document. This is slightly easier to write (e.g. "a Switching Service" instead of a "Service of type 
SwitchingService"), so I thought it would be OK to use the same separation in the XML and RDF syntax.
Submitted By: Jeroen van der Ham
Submitted On: 03/14/2012 10:20 AM EDT
Last Modified: 11/30/2012 7:23 AM EST
Closed: 11/30/2012 7:23 AM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
 (7 Items)
Field Old Value New Value Date Performed By
Closed 11/30/2012 11/30/2012 7:23 AM EST Jeroen van der Ham
Under discussion
11/30/2012 7:23 AM EST Jeroen van der Ham
08/08/2012 11:00 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
service object also uses type attribute, RDF uses:
"nmlserv:Switchingtype rdfs:subClassOf nml:Service ."

something to consider when we do translation between the two.
NML currently defines three services: AdaptationService, DeadaptationService and

Proposal for syntax in RDF:

  @prefix  nml:  <">;
  urn:ogf:...:myservice     a                   nml:SwitchingService  .

Proposal for syntax in XML:

  <nml:SwitchingService id="...">

Alternative RDF and XML syntax:

  @prefix  nml:  <">;
  urn:ogf:...:myservice     a                   nml:SwitchingService  .
  nml:SwitchingService      rdfs:isSubclassOf   nml:Service  .

  <nml:Service type=""; 

Rationale for this proposal: because of the very different relations associated 
with a AdaptationService and a SwitchingService (and later perhaps a tunable 
label service), the different services are described in a different way in the 
document. This is slightly easier to write (e.g. "a Switching Service" instead 
of a "Service of type SwitchingService"), so I thought it would be OK to use the
 same separation in the XML and RDF syntax.
08/08/2012 8:55 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
Service in XML and RDF
Service Syntax in XML and RDF
08/08/2012 8:55 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
Under discussion
07/20/2012 10:01 AM EDT Freek Dijkstra
– Capabilities / Services
03/28/2012 6:11 PM EDT Freek Dijkstra

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