Greg Newby: 01/07/2013 2:27 PM EST
Comment: |
The review came back, and all is well. This will now be published as GFD-R-P.200. (#199 was used for a prior publication.)
Andre, would you please repackage and publish the final version (the 02/06/2012 version)? I can then announce it. Thanks,
Action: |
Assigned To changed from Alan Sill to Andre Merzky
Priority changed from 2 to 1
Status changed from AD Review to Ready to Publish
Greg Newby: 12/05/2012 1:09 PM EST
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The reviewer has not completed his review, so Alan will take a close look and we'll likely decide to move forward.
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Assigned To changed from David E Martin to Alan Sill
Greg Newby: 10/18/2012 4:31 PM EDT
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I've asked David Martin for an update on the external review status.
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Greg Newby: 08/29/2012 3:43 PM EDT
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Update: a reviewer was identified, we hope to hear soon.
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Greg Newby: 08/29/2012 3:19 PM EDT
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Per the August 29 telecon, we are still seeking an external review.
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Greg Newby: 04/22/2012 6:53 PM EDT
Comment: |
Per the April 17 standards telecon, "We suggest that the AD review responses to public comments, as
submitted by the group, with relevant RDF experts for completeness and accuracy, and report back on"
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Greg Newby: 04/16/2012 1:46 PM EDT
Comment: |
Apologies to all for the last two updates. They were intended for the other two DAIS documents in the pipeline.
For this document, the standards council is awaiting input from the AD on readiness to move forward. Otherwise, public comment is complete, and the
document appears in good shape.
Action: |
Status changed from Author Action Needed to AD Review
Greg Newby: 04/06/2012 1:49 AM EDT
Comment: |
Correction: I sent a follow-up to David.
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Greg Newby: 03/27/2012 11:06 AM EDT
Comment: |
Sent a followup email to Steven Lynden.
Action: |
Status changed from GFSG Review: 15-day final to Author Action Needed
Greg Newby: 03/12/2012 6:33 AM EDT
Comment: |
David was unable to attend the standards council meeting. We're awaiting his input, before proceeding with publication. Thanks,
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Greg Newby: 02/13/2012 3:40 AM EST
Comment: |
Thanks. This is now in final standards council review, due for discussion February 28 or as soon thereafter as may be scheduled.
Action: |
Status changed from Author Action Needed to GFSG Review: 15-day final
Greg Newby: 01/10/2012 11:17 AM EST
Comment: |
Status from January 9 telecon: David has not had a recent update, and will communicate with the submitters.
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Greg Newby: 08/29/2011 1:35 PM EDT
Comment: |
Authors/editors: public comment is complete. Please review comments in the public comment tracker. Make adjustments to your document if needed.
When ready, upload the final document to this tracker, and/or send email. It will then move to final review prior to publication.
Action: |
Assigned To changed from Joel Replogle to David E Martin
Priority changed from 3 to 2
Status changed from Public Comment Period to Author Action Needed
Greg Newby: 05/03/2011 12:35 PM EDT
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Priority changed from 4 to 3
Greg Newby: 05/03/2011 12:14 PM EDT
Comment: |
This is now approved for 60-day public comment. However, we need to get some confirmation back from the AD on WG process and status.
Authors/editors: please solicit your constituents for public comments.
Action: |
Assigned To changed from David E Martin to Joel Replogle
Status changed from GFSG Review: Initial to Public Comment Period
Greg Newby: 04/08/2011 2:14 PM EDT
Comment: |
Thanks for this submission. It looks fine, and will be scheduled for standards council initial review for April 11 or 25 (TBD). After approval, it
will go for 60-day public comment.
Action: |
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to David E Martin
Priority changed from 5 to 4
Status changed from Editor Review: Initial to GFSG Review: Initial
Greg Newby: 04/05/2011 12:30 PM EDT
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Group set to Data
Priority changed from 0 to 5
Status changed from AD Review to Editor Review: Initial