Greg Newby: 02/07/2011 12:27 PM EST
Action: |
Moved from Submit OGF Draft to Trashcan
Category changed from Recommendations Track to none (no value)
Group changed from Compute to none (no value)
Status changed from GFSG Review: Initial to Closed
Greg Newby: 02/07/2011 12:26 PM EST
Comment: |
This is a duplicated with #6461, so I will delete it.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 02/07/2011 12:19 PM EST
Comment: |
Thanks for this. It is in 15-day initial standards council review, scheduled for discussion on the February 14 telecon or soon thereafter. After
that, to public comment.
Action: |
Priority changed from 2 to 4
Status changed from Public Comment Period to GFSG Review: Initial