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Artifact artf5857 : Grid – Distributed Computing at Scale An overview of Grid and the Open Grid Forum
Tracker: Published
Title: Grid – Distributed Computing at Scale An overview of Grid and the Open Grid Forum
 This paper explains why Grid is the IT infrastructure solution being used by leading organizations around the world to 
enable this knowledge-based, global economy. It explains the role of grid technologies within the broader distributed 
computing landscape and defines the three common categories of grid use today. It identifies the evolution of Grid 
technologies from application-specific solutions to dynamic, shared and service-oriented infrastructures. Finally, it 
describes the role that the Open Grid Forum plays in accelerating grid adoption in partnership with the grid community 
and the industry at large.
Submitted By: Greg Newby
Submitted On: 04/25/2007 8:17 PM EDT
Last Modified: 09/11/2007 10:38 AM EDT

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments (3)  
Group: * GFSG
Status:* Closed
Category: * Informational
Customer: *
Priority: * 1
Assigned To: * Joel Replogle
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
resolution: * Accepted
Greg Newby: 09/11/2007 10:38 AM EDT
  Action: Move
Moved from Submit OGF Draft to Published
resolution set to Accepted
Status changed from Ready to Publish to Closed
Joel Replogle: 08/28/2007 5:48 PM EDT
Published as GFD.112 on 2007-08-28
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 08/28/2007 1:31 PM EDT
This will now be published as GFD-I.112.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 2 to 1
Status changed from Author Action Needed to Ready to Publish
Joel Replogle: 08/13/2007 3:26 PM EDT
The document has been updated as needed.  My preference would be to use GFD.112, since that would keep it next to its sister document, the Technical 
Strategy (GFD.113).  
  Attachment: Grids_DistributedComputingatScale_v0.91 (540.5 KB)
  Action: Update
Added an attachment.
Greg Newby: 08/06/2007 9:50 AM EDT
We're still awaiting those last few items mentioned below.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Joel Replogle to Greg Newby
Priority changed from 1 to 2
Status changed from Ready to Publish to Author Action Needed
Greg Newby: 07/30/2007 11:38 AM EDT
This is now ready for publication once these items are added:

- a brief informative abstract
- a contributor/author section
- at least one author/editor to the masthead

If these can be added, Joel can push the document to publication (while I'm out of town this week).

Joel, would you please confirm the next document # for this GFD-I?  I think it's 111, but am on a slow connection.

Steve, we need to put someone's name as author.  Earlier, I thought this was Mark, possibly with John.
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 2 to 1
Status changed from Author Action Needed to Ready to Publish
Steve Crumb: 07/25/2007 10:39 PM EDT
This is the final draft for review and approval.  Mark and others have dealt with the public comments and made appropriate updates.
  Attachment: Grids_DistributedComputingatScale.doc (234 KB)
  Action: Update
Added an attachment.
Assigned To changed from Joel Replogle to Greg Newby
Greg Newby: 07/03/2007 10:43 AM EDT
  Action: Update
Priority changed from 3 to 2
Greg Newby: 07/03/2007 10:42 AM EDT
Public comment is complete.  Document authors should read & respond to public comments. When ready, post any new document here and set the tracker 
back to Newby.
  Action: Update
Status changed from Public Comment Period to Author Action Needed
Greg Newby: 05/06/2007 5:02 AM EDT
The public comment tracker is here:

Comments will close on June 5 2007.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 04/25/2007 8:22 PM EDT
I've reviewed this, and it can go ahead to 30-day public comment.

Here are a few things that will need fixing:

- needs an abstract
- For the upper left first page, I don't think "Marketing" 
is one of the OGF areas/groups.  It does appear on the org
chart of OGF, however.  We might want to put a higher-level
name?  "Marketing" is OK, but it sounds like maybe there's a 
Marketing RG/WG/CG.  
- Footnote 2, to the Technical Strategy Document: that will probably be published by the time this new doc is published, so we can include a full 
citation instead.  Those long URLs tend to be transient.

  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 5 to 3
Status changed from Editor Review: Initial to Public Comment Period
Greg Newby: 04/25/2007 8:17 PM EDT
  Attachment: OGF Landscape Whitepaper OGF document series pending sidebar.doc (236.5 KB)
  Action: Create
Added an attachment.

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