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Artifact artf5797 : general
Tracker: Core API: public comments
Title: general
ob Management:
The "Unknown" and "New" state are unclear to us. In our opinion when you create a job either with the factory or 
directly with the constructor of the specific incarnation, we enter the "New" state. The "Unknown" state is now reserved

 for the very short time the object is instantiated but we directly switch to "New" once the constructor is finished. 
The principle in OO programming is to have a stable object once you finish constructing it and calling method; if the 
constructor is not enough to have a stable object you need a factory. So when you get an object back it should be in a 
stable state, thus the "Unknown" state is superficial in our opinion. 
Submitted By: Andre Merzky
Submitted On: 02/21/2007 10:47 AM EST
Last Modified: 02/24/2007 7:17 PM EST
Closed: 02/24/2007 7:17 PM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
Group: *
Status:* Closed
Category: *
Customer: *
Priority: * 3
Assigned To: * None
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
Andre Merzky: 02/24/2007 7:17 PM EST
declined: this was discussed on the list: the main reason for having the Unknown state is to allow the following:

saga::stream s;
saga::stream_server ss (url);

saga::task t = ss.serve <saga::task::async> (s);

t.wait ();

The state of stream s is unknown until t.wait() returns.  It is NOT New, as connect cannot be called on it!  (no server URL is associated with that 
stream to connect to).  

So, the Unknown state is used for un-initialized objects which are passed as out parameters to asynchronous method calls.
  Action: Update
Closed set to 02/24/2007
Status changed from Open to Closed
Andre Merzky: 02/21/2007 10:50 AM EST
  Action: Update
Priority changed from 4 to 3
Andre Merzky: 02/21/2007 10:47 AM EST
  Action: Create

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