Greg Newby: 04/29/2008 11:02 AM EDT
Action: |
Moved from Submit OGF Draft to Published
Group changed from Infrastructure to APME
resolution set to Accepted
Status changed from Ready to Publish to Closed
Greg Newby: 03/30/2008 4:40 PM EDT
Comment: |
Thanks to the authors/editors for working on this document. After a longish process, I'm happy to say it's now ready for publication as:
Action: |
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 2 to 1
Status changed from Editor Review: Final to Ready to Publish
Reza Nejabati: 03/06/2008 3:36 AM EST
Comment: |
lease find attached three files in response to review comments
1- Response to reviewers' comment
2- updated draft with changes and additional text underlined
3- updated draft with changes and additional text (not underlined)
Note (each file is in different comment )
Attachment: |
(666.5 KB)
Action: |
Added an attachment.
Reza Nejabati: 03/06/2008 3:35 AM EST
Comment: |
lease find attached three files in response to review comments
1- Response to reviewers' comment
2- updated draft with changes and additional text underlined
3- updated draft with changes and additional text (not underlined)
Attachment: |
(666 KB)
Action: |
Added an attachment.
Reza Nejabati: 03/06/2008 3:32 AM EST
Comment: |
please find attached three files in response to review comments
1- Response to reviewers' comment
2- updated draft with changes and additional text underlined
3- updated draft with changes and additional text (not underlined)
Attachment: |
Response to reviewersâ comments.doc
(31 KB)
Action: |
Added an attachment.
Greg Newby: 02/22/2008 1:45 PM EST
Comment: |
Thanks for these comments, which seem to require some response and a likely updated document.
Please provide the new document in this tracker, then set the tracker back to me and we'll move to the next steps.
Action: |
Priority changed from 4 to 2
Reza Nejabati: 02/21/2008 6:18 PM EST
Comment: |
External reviewer's comment was recieved from Richard Hughes-Jones.
coments are minor and as follow:
I have reviewed the document and I have the following comments:
Page 5.- Grid Job Classification: Why queuing is such an important issue? I think for some services delay is very much tolerable.
Page 5.- Perhaps a mention to mixed time-size based burstifiers would be appropriate.
Page 6.- Indent fourth paragraph
Page 7.- Mention LOBS when talking about combination of GMPLS and OBS
Page 11.- Line 4 "Thus not *only* Optical"
Page 12,. change "each class to utilized" by "each class to utilize"
Page 14.- Line 6 "provide an agreed" should be changed by "provide an agreement"
Page 15.- Paragraph 4 incomplete "resembles the..."
Page 19.- O2G resembles PATON, I think a citation would be appropriate.
Page 30.- change "very like" by "very much like"
Page 35.- Description of the transport format, first paragraph is cut.
The rest looks good to me, it is a very nice, complete and useful document.
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Greg Newby: 02/12/2008 9:20 PM EST
Comment: |
Another request for status was sent to the AD.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 08/06/2007 10:31 AM EDT
Comment: |
Response received in early July. External reviews are proceeding, and expected soon.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 07/03/2007 10:46 AM EDT
Comment: |
I sent a ping to Richard.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 05/03/2007 3:47 PM EDT
Comment: |
Based on email, the ADs are considering the possibility
of seeking external reviews.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 04/25/2007 4:31 PM EDT
Action: |
Status changed from AD Review to Author Action Needed
Greg Newby: 03/20/2007 10:48 AM EDT
Comment: |
No public comments were received, so this will go for another 30-day round. Authors/editors, please help to gather public comments for this document.
Action: |
Reza Nejabati: 01/25/2007 9:55 AM EST
Comment: |
please find attached the word version of the document with the requested changes
Attachment: |
(666 KB)
Action: |
Added an attachment.
Greg Newby: 01/24/2007 6:51 PM EST
Comment: |
Thanks for this submission. It will be advanced to 30-day
public comment. Please ask RG members and others
to submit public comments.
Two other items:
- We need an editable format (.doc or whatever you have)
- Please consider trimming the author list to just the single
editor. The others can remain listed in the Contributors
section. This is recommended, because anyone appearing
on the masthead is considered to be accepting permanent
personal responsibility for any future needs of the document
(answering questions, preparing revisions, defending
errors, etc.)
Action: |
Assigned To changed from Franco Travostino to Joel Replogle
resolution changed from Accepted to none (no value)
Status changed from Editor Review: Initial to Public Comment Period