Michel Drescher: 10/31/2006 10:33 AM EST
Comment: |
Won't fix.
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Closed set to 10/31/2006
Status changed from Open to Closed
Michel Drescher: 09/29/2006 5:40 AM EDT
Comment: |
The given paragraph is good.
However, this also applies to rbyteio:read() and I therefore would like to see the same paragraph show up for rbyteio:read() as well.
We may consider to have a general paragraph on the concept of stride in the preamble of section 2.3 "Random ByteIO Interface" to avoid text
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Assigned To changed from Mark Morgan to Michel Drescher
Closed changed from 09/27/2006 to none (no value)
Status changed from Closed to Open
Mark Morgan: 09/27/2006 10:08 AM EDT
Comment: |
A paragraph explaining this behavior has been added to the recommendation document.
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Closed set to 09/27/2006
Status changed from Open to Closed