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Description changed from Michel Drescher noted that there was an error in the schema for the WS-RF rendering because of an error in the included
WS-BaseFaults spec.
We agreed to move to WS-RF v2 to fix the WS-BaseFaults v1 flaw. to Michel Drescher noted that there was an error in the schema for the WS-RF rendering because of an error in the included
WS-BaseFaults spec.
"when trying to validate the WSRF rendering, I get (at least) for the Random ByteIO XML schema several validation errors
The reason is that you use WSRF Base Faults verison 1 (namespace "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsrf/bf-1";) which has a
schema flaw: The type wsbf:BaseFaultType contains an "xsd:any" as an extension point, just like many other
specifications do as well. The problem is, however, that this :xsd"any" is located at the *end* of the sequence
Now if there is another type definition in another XML Schema document that extends wsbf:BaseFaultType, XML Schema
validators cannot decide anumore which elements it must validate against the parent type, and which against the
inheriting type definition.
The solution is to move the WSF renderings to the followup versions of OASIS WSRF, i.e. "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsrf
/bf-2"; and alike."
We agreed to move to WS-RF v2 to fix the WS-BaseFaults v1 flaw.