Greg Newby: 12/11/2006 1:38 PM EST
Action: |
Priority changed from 1 to 0
Greg Newby: 12/11/2006 1:38 PM EST
Action: |
Assigned To changed from Joel Replogle to none (no value)
resolution changed from Accepted to none (no value)
Greg Newby: 12/11/2006 1:36 PM EST
Action: |
Moved from Submit OGF Draft to Published
Group set to APME
resolution set to Accepted
Status changed from Ready to Publish to Closed
Greg Newby: 11/26/2006 6:27 PM EST
Comment: |
Thanks for these changes. This document looks fine, and will now be published as GFD-C.084. Thanks for your work on it!
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(108 KB)
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Added an attachment.
Assigned To changed from David E Martin to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 2 to 1
Status changed from Public Comment Period to ready to publish
Michel Drescher: 11/12/2006 5:00 AM EST
Comment: |
Dear GFSG,
please find attached the final document (draft 016) that includes changes based on the comments made in the Public Comment period.
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(126.5 KB)
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Added an attachment.
Greg Newby: 09/03/2006 7:22 PM EDT
Comment: |
This will now go to 60-day public comment. Thanks for the updated document formatting etc.
Action: |
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 4 to 3
Status changed from GFSG Review to Public Comment Period
Michel Drescher: 08/15/2006 11:05 AM EDT
Comment: |
A further iteration on GGF/OGF replacements. Also updated the draft iteration number in the document header.
[Thanks Greg for starting this, I completely forgot the organisaiton renaming...]
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Added an attachment.
Greg Newby: 08/15/2006 10:53 AM EDT
Comment: |
This is not advanced to 15-day GFSG review
prior to public comment.
I made some slight changes in the front/back-matter,
replacing GGF with OGF. "track changes" is
turned on in this document for the GFSG's review,
but we'll need to make a document with
changes accepted for public comment.
This document will be discussed at the August 30
GFSG telecon, or as soon afterwards as it can be
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Action: |
Added an attachment.
Priority changed from 5 to 4
Status changed from Submitted to GFSG Review