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Artifact artf5017 : (1715) Can top level elements in cdl:system be used as targets for cdl:extends or cdl:refroot?
Tracker: CDL Spec Revisions
Title: (1715) Can top level elements in cdl:system be used as targets for cdl:extends or cdl:refroot?
S7.1 of the spec says "a property list is called a toplevel property list when it is a child of a cdl:configuration 

7.2.1 says "Only a top level list, which has a unique name,  may be the destination of a prototype element."

S7.3.1 says "the value of @cdl:refroot is the name of a top level property list". 

Thus, implicitly, top level elements in <cdl:system> are NOT top-level lists (S7.1) and MUST NOT be used for cdl:extends
 or cdl:refroot. Is this the correct interpretation?
Submitted By: Steve Loughran
Submitted On: 01/06/2006 7:34 AM EST
Last Modified: 01/06/2006 7:34 AM EST

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Status:* Open
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Priority: * 0
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Steve Loughran: 01/06/2006 7:34 AM EST
  Action: Create


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