Greg Newby: 05/06/2007 4:46 AM EDT
Action: |
resolution changed from PUBLISHED to none (no value)
Greg Newby: 02/13/2006 2:55 AM EST
Comment: |
Mass Update
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Open to Closed
close_date changed from - to 2006-02-12 22:55:15
resolution changed from <None> to PUBLISHED
Greg Newby: 01/24/2006 11:04 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_group changed from Data to <None>
artifact_status changed from Closed to Open
Category changed from Informational to <None>
group_artifact_id changed from Submit GGF Draft to Published
Greg Newby: 01/24/2006 11:03 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from ready to publish to Closed
assigned_to changed from 9357 to 100
close_date changed from - to 2006-01-24 07:03:39
Priority changed from 1 to -
Greg Newby: 01/12/2006 1:31 PM EST
Comment: |
Thanks for your effort on this document, Arun. Also to the
other contributors from GFS-WG.
This will be published as GFD-I.061.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 01/12/2006 1:31 PM EST
Attachment: |
(530.5 KB)
Action: |
File added set to 720: gfd-i.061.doc
assigned_to changed from 465 to 9357
Priority changed from 2 to 1
Arun Jagatheesan: 01/12/2006 2:09 AM EST
Comment: |
This document is based on the discussions at GFS meetings or telecons.
It could be published now and leading us to move on to version 2 or a GFS Architecture that could evolve into Data Grid Standards later.
Action: |
Arun Jagatheesan: 01/12/2006 2:09 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Pending Info from Authors to ready to publish
Greg Newby: 12/12/2005 1:34 PM EST
Comment: |
No public comments were received.
Authors, please confirm (in this tracker) whether
you believe this document has been adequately
reviewed, and is ready for the final step prior
to publication (Editor final review).
Action: |
Greg Newby: 12/12/2005 1:34 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Public Comment Period to Pending Info from Authors
assigned_to changed from 9357 to 465
Priority changed from 3 to 2
Greg Newby: 10/23/2005 6:26 PM EST
Comment: |
Thanks for the new file (received by email; uploaded
to this tracker). This document is now in 30-day public
comment, and will be due 30 days after publicly announced.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 10/23/2005 6:26 PM EST
Attachment: |
(498 KB)
Action: |
File added set to 694: draft-ggf-gfs-ArchitectureDesign-WorkBook-Informational-v1.0.doc
artifact_status changed from Returned to Author(s) to Public Comment Period
assigned_to changed from 278 to 9357
Priority changed from 4 to 3
resolution changed from Returned to Authors/Group to <None>
Greg Newby: 09/27/2005 1:37 AM EST
Comment: |
Response received from Arun. This is
still in process...
Action: |
Greg Newby: 09/25/2005 4:55 PM EST
Comment: |
Sent another follow-up to Arun on September 25. If there is
no forward movement by very shortly after GGF15
(Oct 2-6), this document will be removed from the
Editor pipeline. In that event, a future submission
or revision would be treated as a new document.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 09/25/2005 4:55 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_group changed from old-DATA to Data
Greg Newby: 06/26/2005 1:19 PM EST
Action: |
assigned_to changed from 302 to 278
Greg Newby: 06/26/2005 1:18 PM EST
Comment: |
Note that I got a response in May, and sent another
followup on June 26. The author is reviewing edits
and seeking consensus in the group.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 05/10/2005 10:43 AM EST
Comment: |
Emailed the author for a status update.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 03/29/2005 11:55 AM EST
Comment: |
Sorry for my long delay in providing an initial editor review of this document. I have a few changes to request, before putting this into 30-day
public comment. Overall, I think this document is quite good, and will be a valuable addition to the GGF document series.
If you could address these concerns and upload a revised document, we will go ahead and put it into 30-day public comment.
- The first page doesn't meet the guideline from our sample template document & GFD-1. Please remove the logo and add author (or editor) information
- Similarly, the running header needs to be adjusted
- You have a "Glossary TBD" section. This either needs to be included, as a document under public comment then final editorial review, or removed.
There is no requirement for a glossary, though a glossary is nice to include if you would ilke to.
- In your References section, none of the listed items appear to be references to static documents. URLs should be cited in-line (that is, within the
text), not listed in references. References have authors, and publication locations, and refer to static ongoing documents such that a future reader
(i.e., in 5 years) could see the same document you saw in writing your document. The Blackboard Picture *might* be to a static document, but it's
just a URL for a JPG. If you refer to a document, it would be a reference rather than an inline citation.
- There are some "highlight changes" still present in the .doc file, which should be accepted or otherwise adjusted
These are all fairly minor editorial/formatting changes, which should not take too long to address. I hope you will be able to fix them and get a
revised document submitted to the Gridforge tracker.
The good news is that I did not see any important changes to make to the language and content of the document. We will look to the public comment
period as an opportunity for further technical review and comment, as well as to get confirmation from WG members that they have read & agree to the
Action: |
Greg Newby: 03/29/2005 11:55 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Initial Editor Review to Returned to Author(s)
Priority changed from 5 to 4
resolution changed from <None> to Returned to Authors/Group
Greg Newby: 02/20/2005 5:11 PM EST
Comment: |
Thanks for your submission. This document is now in initial editor review. After any feedback, the next step will be 30-day public comment.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 02/20/2005 5:11 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Open to Initial Editor Review
assigned_to changed from 108 to 302
Priority changed from - to 5