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Artifact artf3458 : (1024) Open Grid Services Architecture V1
Tracker: Published
Title: (1024) Open Grid Services Architecture V1

This draft submitted by Dave Snelling, who has reviewed it.  I have also reviewed this draft.  

Note- There are several missing diagrams in the initial version uploaded here and these should be replaced and an 
updated draft uploaded.

CeC (GGF Editor).
Submitted By: Charlie Catlett
Submitted On: 08/06/2004 10:07 PM EST
Last Modified: 05/06/2007 4:46 AM EDT
Closed: 05/07/2005 10:20 AM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations (1) Attachments (4)  
Group: *
Status:* Closed
Category: *
Customer: *
Priority: * 0
Assigned To: * None
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
resolution: *
Greg Newby: 05/06/2007 4:46 AM EDT
  Action: Update
resolution changed from PUBLISHED to none (no value)
Charlie Catlett: 05/07/2005 10:20 AM EST
  Action: Update
artifact_status changed from Open to Closed
close_date changed from - to 2005-05-07 10:20:39
resolution changed from <None> to PUBLISHED
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 03/09/2005 11:54 AM EST
Mass Move
  Action: Update
artifact_group changed from ARCH to <None>
artifact_status changed from ready to publish to Open
assigned_to changed from 111 to 100
Category changed from Informational to <None>
group_artifact_id changed from Submit GGF Draft to Published
resolution changed from Published to <None>
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 03/01/2005 1:43 PM EST
Mass Update
  Action: Update
Priority changed from 1 to -
Greg Newby: 03/01/2005 12:34 PM EST
  Attachment: draft-ggf-ogsa-spec-v23.doc (1.65 MB)
  Action: Update
File added set to 563: draft-ggf-ogsa-spec-v23.doc
Greg Newby: 03/01/2005 12:34 PM EST
  Action: Update
File Deleted changed from 562: draft-ggf-ogsa-spec-v23.doc to none (no value)
Greg Newby: 03/01/2005 12:17 PM EST
Sorry for my delay in looking this over.  This document has clearly
received lots of careful attention, and is nicely written and
presented.  I did not find any changes to suggest.

As GGF Editor, I approve publication of this document.

It will be published as GGF-30.

I've updated the referece to OGSA RM to reflect GFD #45.  The OGSA 
glossary will be GFD #44.

I'm uploading the changed document for Stacey to confirm final
formatting.  I've applied the GFD headers, and the reference to OGSA
RM, but no other changes.  Thanks again to the authors & WG for
excellent work on this document.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 03/01/2005 12:17 PM EST
  Action: Update
File added set to 562: draft-ggf-ogsa-spec-v23.doc
artifact_status changed from Pending Info from Authors to ready to publish
assigned_to changed from 302 to 111
resolution changed from Returned to Authors/Group to Published
Greg Newby: 01/31/2005 12:36 AM EST
  Action: Update
assigned_to changed from 160 to 302
Priority changed from 2 to 1
Andreas Savva: 01/29/2005 11:33 AM EST
I am also attaching a spreadsheet with the public comments we received. This is for your reference. I will update the public trackers separately.
  Action: Update
Andreas Savva: 01/29/2005 11:33 AM EST
  Attachment: ogsa-v1-public-comments-1-v7.xls (80 KB)
  Action: Update
File added set to 552: ogsa-v1-public-comments-1-v7.xls
Andreas Savva: 01/29/2005 11:20 AM EST
We've revised the initial submission based on the public comments.
(Attached draft-ggf-ogsa-spec-v23.doc)

Could you please update the citation to the  
"Resource Management in OGSA"  document	(GGF Editor tracker 1081) with the right GFD number? I have put a comment in the document. (This is the same 
request as for OGSA Glossary.)
  Action: Update
Andreas Savva: 01/29/2005 11:20 AM EST
  Attachment: draft-ggf-ogsa-spec-v23.doc (1.65 MB)
  Action: Update
File added set to 550: draft-ggf-ogsa-spec-v23.doc
Greg Newby: 01/23/2005 2:01 AM EST
This note came via email from one of the authors:

Just a quick note to let you know that the OGSA v1 is also getting close
to submission. What I hope will be the final draft version is on
gridforge. Here's the link if you want to have an early look.

We are doing the final call this week.
  Action: Update
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 10/13/2004 11:34 AM EST
Note: When this document is approved for publication it was be numbered as GFD.030
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 10/06/2004 1:51 AM EST
  Action: Update
Priority changed from 4 to 2
Greg Newby: 10/05/2004 5:47 PM EST
  Action: Update
Priority changed from 2 to 4
Greg Newby: 10/05/2004 5:46 PM EST
(Updated status to Pending info from Authors per the September 30 2004 GFSG conference call)
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 10/05/2004 5:46 PM EST
  Action: Update
artifact_status changed from Final 15day GFSG Review to Pending Info from Authors
resolution changed from <None> to Returned to Authors/Group
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 09/28/2004 3:48 PM EST
This document has finished public comment period. You may view comments at 

Document will move on to final 15 day GFSG review
  Action: Update
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 09/28/2004 3:48 PM EST
  Action: Update
artifact_status changed from Public Comment Period to Final 15day GFSG Review
Priority changed from 3 to 2
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 08/11/2004 10:50 AM EST
Document entered a 30 day public comment period.

Due date: 9-10-04
  Action: Update
David Snelling: 08/09/2004 4:46 PM EST
These comments were provided during AD review prior to Public Comment, but did not warent a delay to Public Comment. There are included here for 

AD Comments (D. Snelling)

1. Introduction

The introduction accurately reflects the actual nature of the document. Anyone reading it will not be surprised or disappointed with the contents that
 follow. However, someone omitting the Introduction and relying on their expectations may find the rest of the document more abstract than expected.  
The abstract might be used to point this up or even other chapter refer back to the Introduction by way of setting the context.

2. Requirements

Staring with a one line summary of each on the OGSA Use cases (already in the editor's pipeline), this chapter is one of the most concise (7 pages) 
and yet complete description of what Grid computing (both scientific and commercial) is all about.

3. Capabilities

Sub sections 3.1. and 3.2 provide a good picture of how the many and complex parts of OGSA fit together. There are few problems here:

   - What are the fine arrows on figure 1 for. They are not intuitive
     nor are they referred to in the text.

   - The third bullet at the start of section 3.2 needs to be elaborated.
     This is a very important aspect of OGSA that distinguishes it from
     traditional approaches to software architecture. The approach is needed
     to realize the complexity of OGSA, without creating many artificial,
     thin layers. The nature of the coupling of Resources to the capabilities
     should be used to motivate the OO-like content in an otherwise SOA based

   - The service relationships section need to be separated out as a section
     in it's own right and elaborated much more clearly and precisely. The
     vertical stacking in Figure 3 is not motivated.

Sub section 3.3, Infrastructure, could be more forceful in identifying these components. This would provide the community with a very clear indication
 of where OGSA starts and what should be understood first when building OGSA compliant constructing. The choices indicated are the correct one from my
 perspective and the document should make the case for them more forceful.

Sub Section 3.4: Execution Management Services

The bullet list in 3.4.1 basically delineates a rough event/state model for tasks. presented as such would help the reader follow the discussion. It 
is not quite clear how Figure 4 relates to the service categories outlined in 3.4.3. Otherwise, OK.

Sub Section 3.5: Data Services

Given the reuse of the Supply/Demand model, perhaps it could be abstracted to cover all of OGSA. In which case it could probably be better described. 
In fact the process of attempting to abstract it would probably help clarify it's use even if it doesn't generalize well. Otherwise, this section is 
very strong.

Sub Section 3.6: Resource Management Services

Two sections here need more elaboration. Section 3.6.3 need more detail. I realize that much of the management detail will actually be provided by 
WSDM, but there are several higher level capabilities that could be presented in more detail. The other is section 3.6.5. The goal of an architecture 
document is to elucidate not just the interfaces that are needed, but how they interact. The way in which WSDM builds on WSRF is an example of what I 
am referring to, but that example would not be necessary here.

Sub Section 3.7: Security Services

Security is always a complicate issue. This section is nonetheless pretty well done. Now that WS-Security is a published specification, it should be 
referenced along with the White Paper. I would like to see a more business related use case analyzed in this section, e.g. dynamically arranged 
auction on the Grid.

Sub Section 3.8: Self Management Services

This is a difficult section to address. The nature of "self-management" seems more like a required property of management, rather that a component of 
the architecture itself. Might this section simply be an implementation of Resource Management rather than a separate section of the architecture? 
What are the interfaces that are required to implement Self Management? Are they actually different than Resource Management and provisioning.

Sub Section 3.9: Information Services

This is the only section that uses UML. This seems to point the way toward the V2 document. These should be replaced with more abstract approaches in 
line with the other sections. Then V2 should address this level of detail for all sections. This section should elaborate the relationship to WSN and 
possible WS-RM standard.

The rest of the document is fine, particularly the Glossary, an artifact that the Grid community has needed for a long time.
  Action: Update
Hiro Kishimoto: 08/07/2004 7:01 AM EST
  Action: Update
File Deleted changed from 390: draft-ggf-ogsa-spec-1.pdf to none (no value)
Hiro Kishimoto: 08/07/2004 6:53 AM EST
Attached pdf file I re-created has all diagrams.
Thanks Charlie.
  Action: Update
Hiro Kishimoto: 08/07/2004 6:53 AM EST
  Attachment: draft-ggf-ogsa-spec.pdf (1.92 MB)
  Action: Update
File added set to 391: draft-ggf-ogsa-spec.pdf
Charlie Catlett: 08/06/2004 10:09 PM EST
  Action: Update
artifact_status changed from Open to Public Comment Period
Priority changed from - to 3
Charlie Catlett: 08/06/2004 10:07 PM EST
  Action: Create

Charlie Catlett: 08/06/2004 10:07 PM EST
  Action: Update
File added set to 390: draft-ggf-ogsa-spec-1.pdf

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/go/artf3458?nav=1 at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 16:02:36 GMT