Greg Newby: 05/06/2007 4:46 AM EDT
Action: |
resolution changed from PUBLISHED to none (no value)
Greg Newby: 07/13/2005 1:14 AM EST
Comment: |
Mass Update
Action: |
Priority changed from 5 to -
resolution changed from <None> to PUBLISHED
Greg Newby: 10/12/2004 5:45 PM EST
Comment: |
Mass Update
Action: |
Category changed from <None> to Informational
Greg Newby: 10/12/2004 5:44 PM EST
Comment: |
Mass Update
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Open to Closed
close_date changed from - to 2004-10-12 14:44:58
Greg Newby: 10/12/2004 4:37 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_group changed from SEC to <None>
artifact_status changed from Closed to Open
Category changed from Informational to <None>
group_artifact_id changed from Submit GGF Draft to Published
resolution changed from Published to <None>
Greg Newby: 10/12/2004 4:37 PM EST
Comment: |
Published as GFD.32. Thanks very much for your hard work! gbn
Action: |
Greg Newby: 10/12/2004 4:37 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from ready to publish to Closed
assigned_to changed from 302 to 100
close_date changed from - to 2004-10-12 13:37:05
Priority changed from 1 to 5
Olle Mulmo: 10/07/2004 7:19 AM EST
Comment: |
Just for the record, I second Greg's approval. This is a mature document that is already frequently referenced by deployment projects.
Action: |
Greg Newby: 10/05/2004 5:41 PM EST
Comment: |
As an information document, I don't see the need to prolong the process with further public comment periods. Evidence suggests this document is
suitable for publication. As GGF Editor, I approve it for publication.
Would one of the authors consider sending me the nroff (presumably) code & any macros & instructions so I can insert the GFD # and also keep (& return
) the input code? Also, I hope that your sample might be helpful to others striving to produce plain text versions of GGF documents. Thanks!
Action: |
Greg Newby: 10/05/2004 5:41 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Public Comment Period to ready to publish
assigned_to changed from 477 to 302
Priority changed from 3 to 1
resolution changed from <None> to Published
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 09/28/2004 3:46 PM EST
Comment: |
This document only has one comment so it will re-enter public comment unless AD's and or GFSG feel this document should advance through the pipeline.
Due date: 10-28-04
Action: |
Dane Skow: 09/23/2004 8:36 AM EST
Comment: |
Olle, You'll have to shepherd this one, I'm an author.
Action: |
Dane Skow: 09/23/2004 8:36 AM EST
Action: |
assigned_to changed from 100 to 477
Steve Crumb: 09/23/2004 5:46 AM EST
Comment: |
User removed
Action: |
assigned_to changed from 114 to 100
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 08/27/2004 12:47 PM EST
Comment: |
Since this document has only one comment made this document will re-enter public comment period.
Due date: 9-27-04
Action: |
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 07/27/2004 10:24 AM EST
Comment: |
Marty approves this document to move to public comment.
Document will enter a 30 day public comment period. Due date: 8-27-04
Action: |
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 07/27/2004 10:24 AM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from AD Review to Public Comment Period
Priority changed from 4 to 3
Dane Skow: 07/09/2004 2:41 PM EST
Comment: |
Here's a version with the revised title and abstract per
my July 8 mail.
Action: |
Dane Skow: 07/09/2004 9:17 AM EST
Action: |
assigned_to changed from 126 to 114
Jennifer Schopf: 06/24/2004 8:45 PM EST
Action: |
Priority changed from 5 to 4
Dane Skow: 06/02/2004 6:06 PM EST
Comment: |
This version includes the responses to the external reviewer's
(Olle Mulmo) comments.
Action: |
Dane Skow: 06/02/2004 6:06 PM EST
Attachment: |
(50.59 KB)
Action: |
File added set to 334: draft-ggf-saaar-reqs-5.txt
summary changed from draft-ggf-saaar-reqs-4.txt to SAAAR Document
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 02/05/2004 2:27 PM EST
Action: |
artifact_status changed from Open to AD Review
Priority changed from 1 to 5
Stacey Giannese(disabled): 02/05/2004 2:26 PM EST
Action: |
assigned_to changed from 108 to 114
Priority changed from - to 1
Dane Skow: 02/03/2004 6:06 PM EST
Action: |