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Artifact artf3386 : (1555) An architecture for GridCPR services
Tracker: Published
Title: (1555) An architecture for GridCPR services
This document describes an architecture for Grid Checkpoint and Recovery (GridCPR) services and a GridCPR Application 
Programming Interface (API). The architecture is based upon findings of the GGF Grid Checkpoint Recovery Working Group (
GridCPR-WG) in ongoing discussions and analysis of use cases for Grid Checkpoint and Recovery as described in the GWD-I 
document, "Use Cases for Grid Checkpoint and Recovery".
Submitted By: Niraj Srivastava
Submitted On: 06/29/2005 12:58 AM EST
Last Modified: 11/11/2007 11:57 AM EST

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments (4)  
Group: * APME
Status:* Closed
Category: * Informational
Customer: *
Priority: * 1
Assigned To: * Joel Replogle
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
resolution: * Accepted
Greg Newby: 11/11/2007 11:57 AM EST
  Action: Move
Moved from Submit OGF Draft to Published
Group changed from Applications to APME
resolution set to Accepted
Status changed from Ready to Publish to Closed
Greg Newby: 11/10/2007 12:36 AM EST
Thanks for this.  It will now be published.

Joel, the .pdf should be ready for posting as-is (the header & doc # is already attached).  Please email me when posted, and I'll announce.

Thanks to the authors/editors/chairs/all for work on this
  Action: Update
Assigned To changed from Greg Newby to Joel Replogle
Priority changed from 2 to 1
resolution changed from Works For Me to none (no value)
Status changed from Editor Review: Final to Ready to Publish
Andre Merzky: 11/09/2007 3:45 AM EST
Final version, now GFD-I.93.  The attached tgz contains a pdf with changes marked, and a clean version.
  Attachment: CPR-Architecture.tgz (740.34 KB)
  Action: Update
Added an attachment.
Assigned To changed from Steven Newhouse to Greg Newby
resolution set to Works For Me
Status changed from Author Action Needed to Editor Review: Final
Greg Newby: 08/06/2007 7:11 PM EDT
Email response indicated that Andre has sent changed documents for mailing list final call.  We hope to see them posted to this tracker, soon.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 08/06/2007 11:08 AM EDT
Sent another ping to Nathan, Nirag & Derek.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 01/24/2007 8:56 PM EST
The authors indicated this doc is forthcoming.  
It will be GFD-I.091 when published.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 12/08/2006 3:31 AM EST
Sent another ping to the submitters.  
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 09/03/2006 8:03 PM EDT
Sent another ping to the submitter.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 03/26/2006 7:48 PM EST
Sent a ping to the Nathan & Niraj.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 01/09/2006 5:46 PM EST
  Action: Update
artifact_status changed from Pending Info from Authors to Returned to Author(s)
Nathan Stone: 12/08/2005 6:11 PM EST
  Action: Update
summary changed from An architecture for GridCPR services and a GridCPR API. to An architecture for GridCPR services
Nathan Stone: 12/08/2005 6:05 PM EST
Oops... Now I found the right posting (at  I'll work on incorporating the comments stamped as: Steven 
Newhouse (2005-12-06 14:08:32).  More to come...
  Action: Update
Nathan Stone: 12/08/2005 6:02 PM EST
Sorry, but I looked under the Use Cases document posting (, and I do not see any comments there, let 
alone any related to this Architecture Document.  If your comments appear elsewhere, please direct me to them.  So at this point I still do not find 
any feedback that I can apply to this document.
  Action: Update
Steven Newhouse: 12/07/2005 6:52 PM EST
Ahh.. I think I've pasted the wrong notes into the wrong tracker. Can you please review these commets WRT the use cases (and probably the reverse).

  Action: Update
Nathan Stone: 12/07/2005 3:37 PM EST
Unfortunately, the comments from Steven Newhouse (2005-12-06 14:02:11) seem to apply to a different draft.  Words and line numbers cited below do not 
exist in any of the versions of the document posted to date.  With all due respect there is nothing that we can do to incorporate this feedback.
  Action: Update
Steven Newhouse: 12/06/2005 2:02 PM EST
Generally the document is fine. A few comments relating to formatting.

1. Abstract. This needs to be expanded - it does not tell me what is in the document
2. Update copyright and IPR statements - place at the end?
3. Line 69: Change producers -> providers ? Providers is used else where in the document and gives a better description IMHO than producers.
4. Line 187: Word missing? 'computations are only performed once' ?
5.  Section 5 - the figure. The diagram is not clear. What is meant by transpoer? I'd expand the AAA definition. The diagram in the architecture 
document is much clearer. Perhaps at line 279 add (AAA) 
6. References. Review the references. Capitalisation needs to be improved. Lines 295,312, 314, 343, 331, 320
7. Missing references - line 319
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 11/23/2005 6:50 PM EST
Updating priority to "2" rather than "4" -- it
should have been "2" after public comment.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 11/23/2005 6:50 PM EST
  Action: Update
Priority changed from 4 to 2
Greg Newby: 11/21/2005 7:10 PM EST
Public comment is now complete.  Authors/editors, please
review and respond to comments here:

Or, post responses, along with a changed document, if needed,
in this tracker.  Post here when this document is ready for
the next step (final editor review).
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 11/21/2005 7:10 PM EST
  Action: Update
artifact_status changed from Public Comment Period to Pending Info from Authors
assigned_to changed from 9357 to 237
Priority changed from 3 to 4
resolution changed from Works For Me to <None>
Greg Newby: 09/11/2005 6:10 PM EST
Thanks!  I applied a few more formatting changes.  This
is ready for public comment, and will be due
30 days after it is announced publicly.

You need to add full contact info for the authors/editors
in the section where only Nathan is listed.  Otherwise,
the formatting is good.   The public comment process
will probably result in some questions or recommendations
that are more conceptual in nature.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 09/11/2005 6:10 PM EST
  Attachment: draft-ggf-gridcpr-architecture3.rtf (548.35 KB)
  Action: Update
File added set to 671: draft-ggf-gridcpr-architecture3.rtf
artifact_status changed from Returned to Author(s) to Public Comment Period
assigned_to changed from 137 to 9357
Priority changed from 4 to 3
resolution changed from Fixed to Works For Me
Nathan Stone: 09/06/2005 4:44 PM EST
The edits recommended by the reviewers were incorporated into this version.
  Action: Update
Nathan Stone: 09/06/2005 4:44 PM EST
  Attachment: draft-ggf-gridcpr-architecture.mod.rtf (799.28 KB)
  Action: Update
File added set to 669: draft-ggf-gridcpr-architecture.mod.rtf
resolution changed from Returned to Authors/Group to Fixed
Greg Newby: 09/06/2005 10:53 AM EST
Sorry for my long delay in providing feedback on this document.
Here are some comments:

- Category: this seems like an Informational document to
me, and I reclassified it as this in the tracker.  It is
not seeking to define a standard, but is working towards
standardization (aka, draft recommendations) for the 
working group.  Please modify the header appropriately
(following existing documents as models).

- Line numbers: not needed

- Header materials: please see our sample documents or
recently published documents for samples.  You need an
Abstract, and the Full Copyright Notice & IPR statement go
at the end of the document, not the beginning.

- "Definitions" is really a Glossary section, and can go
at the end (you can mention it at the beginning, though)

- By convention, please use latin numerals rather than roman
numerals for section headings (again, see our examples
or recently published documents for examples)

- VII.A. references specific documents or specific WGs within
the GGF.  Please provide full references to these documents
(cited in text, then complete references in the References section).
For non-documents (such as mentioning a working group),
include an in-line citation to the WG URL, but this doesn't
go in the References section.

I would prefer to see these issues addressed before this
document enters a 30-day Public Comment period.  My view
is that the technical content, and overall thrust of the document,
is valuable and suitable for the GGF document series.  It's good
to have these formatting & mechanical issues taken care of before
going into Public Comment, where a more detailed technical
and conceptual review will take place.

Let me know (via email or in this tracker) if you have questions,
feedback or comments.
  Action: Update
Greg Newby: 09/06/2005 10:53 AM EST
  Action: Update
artifact_group changed from old-APME to Applications
artifact_status changed from Initial Editor Review to Returned to Author(s)
assigned_to changed from 302 to 137
Category changed from Unsure to Informational
Priority changed from 5 to 4
resolution changed from <None> to Returned to Authors/Group
Greg Newby: 06/29/2005 8:25 AM EST
  Action: Update
artifact_status changed from Open to Initial Editor Review
Priority changed from - to 5
Niraj Srivastava: 06/29/2005 12:58 AM EST
  Action: Create

Niraj Srivastava: 06/29/2005 12:58 AM EST
  Attachment: draft-ggf-gridcpr-architecture.rtf (516.19 KB)
  Action: Update
File added set to 641: draft-ggf-gridcpr-architecture.rtf

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/go/artf3386?nav=1 at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 16:15:10 GMT