Andrew Grimshaw: 07/18/2006 2:55 PM EDT
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WS-Name implies the EPR has an EPI. Therefore, we should leave it as a term.
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Closed set to 07/18/2006
Status changed from Open to Closed
Mark Morgan: 05/01/2006 3:04 PM EDT
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Frank's Response from Email (28 April 2006)
Please read my comment again as this has nothing to do with renewable references...
A "name" is not a "EPR"... it's use as one only confuses.
Furthermore, there is nothing "abstract" about the "abstract-name"...
also causes confusion
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Andrew Grimshaw: 03/16/2006 1:54 PM EST
Comment: |
I disagree. The term "WS-Name" implies an EPR with an AbstractName. Whereas a RenewableReference implies an EPR with a Resolver EPR.
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Andrew Grimshaw: 03/16/2006 1:54 PM EST
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assigned_to changed from 100 to 126