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Artifact artf3065 : (1740) IRI Generation Recipe
Tracker: Naming Comments by Frank
Title: (1740) IRI Generation Recipe
include a recipe for generation of a single IRI from the Address and ReferenceParameters that can function as an 
identifier of the resource. 
Mark Mc Keown pointed at the W3C Web Architecture description of the use of URIs which we could borrow from..
Submitted By: Mark Morgan
Submitted On: 02/08/2006 11:03 AM EST
Last Modified: 05/03/2006 12:23 PM EDT
Closed: 05/03/2006 12:23 PM EDT

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
Group: *
Status:* Closed
Category: *
Customer: *
Priority: * 0
Assigned To: * Andrew Grimshaw
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
Andrew Grimshaw: 05/03/2006 12:23 PM EDT
Consensus that his is resolved - Frank and Dave were on the phone.
  Action: Update
Andrew Grimshaw: 05/03/2006 12:23 PM EDT
  Action: Update
artifact_status changed from Open to Closed
close_date changed from - to 2006-05-03 12:23:24
Andrew Grimshaw: 03/16/2006 10:17 AM EST
The current document has been updated to include a brief discussion of abstract name generation to "ensure" that names are unique.

The paragraph below has been added

"The first property, global uniqueness in both space and time, can be achieved by a number of means.  Implementers are free to choose any name 
generation scheme that they wish to use provided the scheme generates unique names.  Some options include various combinations and hashes of public 
keys, MAC addresses, Generating IP address (not current web service endpoint address as that may change), timestamp, random number, etc.  In 
particular, the authors of this document recommend that name generators refer to RFC 4122 which motivates and describes the UUIDs or Universally 
Unique IDs."
  Action: Update
Andrew Grimshaw: 03/16/2006 10:17 AM EST
  Action: Update
assigned_to changed from 100 to 126
Mark Morgan: 02/08/2006 11:03 AM EST
  Action: Create

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