This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/go/artf3062?nav=1 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 07:06:23 GMT SourceForge : artf3062: (1776) WS-Directory entries should be XML docs - not just EPR's

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Artifact artf3062 : (1776) WS-Directory entries should be XML docs - not just EPR's
Tracker: January 2006 F2F issues
Title: (1776) WS-Directory entries should be XML docs - not just EPR's
WS-Directory does not currently store any properties with its entries. To get properties you have to contact the actual 
service.  This would have efficiency problems.  In the file system domain this would probably not be acceptable.  one 
alternative would be to map from strings to an XML document; another would be to add metadata into the EPR itself.  Jay 
suggested that strings could map to a pair of EPRs,
one for the resource and one for the metadata document, but this also involves extra invocations.

If metadata is stored with the directory service, issues of coherence arise.  It also potentially gives the possibility 
of lookup on the metadata..
Submitted By: Andrew Grimshaw
Submitted On: 03/17/2006 8:22 AM EST
Last Modified: 07/18/2006 2:49 PM EDT
Closed: 07/18/2006 2:49 PM EDT

Status / Comments Change Log Associations Attachments  
Group: *
Status:* Closed
Category: *
Customer: *
Priority: * 0
Assigned To: * Mark Morgan
Reported in Release: *
Fixed in Release: *
Estimated Hours: * 0
Actual Hours: * 0
Andrew Grimshaw: 07/18/2006 2:49 PM EDT
Closed no action necessary, superceeded by RNS
  Action: Update
Closed set to 07/18/2006
Status changed from Open to Closed
Mark Morgan: 03/24/2006 10:14 AM EST
It currently seems like the idea of allowing for documents to be stored with names rather than just EPRs is a good one.  I have modified the WS-dir 
document to reflect this.  The document MUST have an EPR in it, but is otherwise open content.
  Action: Update
Andrew Grimshaw: 03/17/2006 8:22 AM EST
  Action: Create

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