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Review Details
Document: DEISA/PRACE and EGI/EGEE Interoperability Use Case
Review ID: docr1192
Review Name: INitial review
Document Version: 1
Review Started By: David Wallom - 08/05/2010 7:39 AM EDT
Outstanding Required Reviewers:
Outstanding Optional Reviewers:
Due Date: 08/12/2010 1:00 AM EDT
Review Status: Closed

Etienne URBAH: 08/12/2010 10:18 AM EDT
  Comment: This is a probably good academic paper about Multi-Grid Drug Discovery, but extracting INFORMATION which may be useful for SOFTWARE ENGINEERING is very difficult.

Among all the customers, what is the exact ROLE of each of them when INTERACTING with the SYSTEM ?
What is their level of ICT knowledge ?
Application developers ?
Experienced application users ?
Scientists with no ICT knowledge, using a scientific portal ?
What are the implications on the interfaces which the system should provide ?

It is absolutely needed that you describe the SEQUENCE OF INTERACTIONS between the actors (here end users) and the system. Preconditions and postconditions are also welcome.

It is absolutely needed that you define WHAT is the system, and which are its BOUNDARIES (INTERFACES with the ACTORS).

What is usual X.509 usage ?
Full End entity certificates ?
X509 proxies ?
VOMS extensions ?
SAML assertions ?
  Attachment: Unicore-Use-Case-Review-Etienne.doc (75.5 KB)
David Wallom: 08/05/2010 7:46 AM EDT
  Comment: Within this review which is the classic pre-main-post processing problem which could be defined across a number of different domains a good one has been chosen with concrete examples of improvements.
My only particular concern is within your request for sequence support for what I think are multistep operations of different applications within a single JSDL? This looks like a workflow within a single document moving far away from even the parameter sweep extensions that are already existing.
It would be really helpful if you also included some mention of how the user community are expecting to access these resources, command-line, GUI, portal etc. just for completeness.


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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/docman/do/viewDocumentReview/projects.pgi-wg/docman.root.input_documents.use_cases/doc16039/docr1192 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 11:23:02 GMT