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Project: pgi-wg     Documents > Root Folder > Input Documents > Use cases > Document Review
Review Details
Document: gLite Use Case : Parallel Jobs
Review ID: docr1199
Review Name: Initial
Document Version: 2
Review Started By: Morris Riedel - 08/10/2010 3:30 PM EDT
Outstanding Required Reviewers: David Wallom
Outstanding Optional Reviewers:
Due Date: 08/12/2010 1:00 AM EDT
Review Status: Open

Etienne URBAH: 08/31/2010 12:51 PM EDT
  Comment: I am sorry, but you used a BAD template, which is perhaps suitable for dissemination of applications and academic papers, but NOT for professional Software Engineering.
A Use Case for Software Engineering should primarily describe interactions between Actors and the System :
– Name, Goal and Summary
– System boundaries,
– Actors, Stakeholders, …
– Preconditions,
– Triggers,
– Basic course of events, indicating who sends which message to whom for which goal.
– Postconditions
  Attachment: gLite-Use-Case-Parallel-Jobs-Review-Etienne.doc (44 KB)
Morris Riedel: 08/19/2010 11:30 AM EDT
  Comment: Interesting use case - a few more specific details in how the PGI specifications should overcome the limitations of BES etc. would be nice - everything else looks like similiar use case classes like within the DEISA use case
  Attachment: 2010-08-19_PARALLEL_JOBS_MRi.doc (43 KB)


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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/docman/do/viewDocumentReview/projects.pgi-wg/docman.root.input_documents.use_cases/doc16027/docr1199 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 11:24:42 GMT