Etienne URBAH: 08/09/2010 1:36 PM EDT
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I am sorry, but you used a BAD template, which is perhaps suitable for dissemination of applications and academic papers, but NOT for professional Software Engineering.
A Use Case for Software Engineering should primarily describe interactions between actors and the System :
– Name, Goal and Summary
– System boundaries,
– Actors, Stakeholders, …
– Preconditions,
– Triggers,
– Basic course of events, indicating who sends which message to whom for which goal.
– Postconditions
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Oxana Smirnova: 08/05/2010 9:12 PM EDT
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A very comprehensive description of a typical Grid use case, touching on almost every aspect. Really enjoyed reading it.
It however does not address the necessity of common interfaces or standards; neither is it clear how it is different from e.g. the mid-range computing use case, as the latter has pretty much the same requirements. Moreover, it has a number of implementation suggestions all over the text, which are not appropriate in use case documents.
As it is now, it can serve as an example in the EGI use case.
We also may need a better definition of what "job" is. In this particular document it is not consistent with the definition used elsewhere; in particular, "same job" usually implies *same* result, thus it makes little sense running many of them simultaneously, except for the demo purposes. "Same application" would be a more accurate notion.