Morris Riedel: 08/19/2010 9:16 AM EDT
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Interesting use case, but the PGI section could be filled a bit more with the detailed "requirements" that are currently not covered by BES, JSDL et al. |
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Etienne URBAH: 08/09/2010 1:24 PM EDT
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I am sorry, but you used a BAD template, which is perhaps suitable for dissemination of applications and academic papers, but NOT for professional Software Engineering.
A Use Case for Software Engineering should primarily describe interactions between actors and the System :
– Name, Goal and Summary
– System boundaries,
– Actors, Stakeholders, …
– Preconditions,
– Triggers,
– Basic course of events, indicating who sends which message to whom for which goal.
– Postconditions
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Oxana Smirnova: 08/05/2010 8:46 PM EDT
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The use case is well described, especially in the functionality requirements part. However, it is somewhat too generic, bringing together a range of quite different use cases, the only commonality being that they are not too heavy - which is a border difficult to draw. It also focuses on HPC resources and presents no explicit case for standard interfaces in Grid infrastructures or middlewares.
It has several commonalities with the GROMACS use case, and perhaps the two can be merged; however, it should be indeed a *merger*, not removal of one of them, as this use case does not contain some key requirements of the GROMACS one. |