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Project: pgi-wg     Documents > Root Folder > Input Documents > Use cases > Document Review
Review Details
Document: EDGI Use Case 'Enforce Security of a Production Service Grid'
Review ID: docr1204
Review Name: Parkinson / Crouch Review
Document Version: 8
Review Started By: Tim Parkinson - 08/12/2010 7:11 AM EDT
Outstanding Required Reviewers:
Outstanding Optional Reviewers:
Due Date: 08/12/2010 1:00 AM EDT
Review Status: Closed

Tim Parkinson: 08/12/2010 7:31 AM EDT
  Comment: - Propagated suggested change of terminology from Prepare Application review for my consistency.

- This is a well defined and well understood use case. I would point out that we agreed a while ago the production grids could also use AuthN mechanisms other than X.509 so perhaps we need to either broaden the use case to cover other mechanisms or (more likely) to produce new use cases for those other mechanisms.

- The use case assumes that Production Grid policy is always to revoke first rather than to suspend and investigate. Some sites may have different policies. Should we allow for lenience or recommend this more draconian approach?

[This time I've attached the marked up copy to this review rather than uploading a new version.]
  Attachment: EDGI-Use-Case-Enforce-Security-Of-Production-Service-Grid.doc (57.5 KB)


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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/docman/do/viewDocumentReview/projects.pgi-wg/docman.root.input_documents.use_cases/doc16010/docr1204 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 11:24:10 GMT