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Document Details (Active Version)
Document Name: GLUE Specification v. 2.0 (submitted to OGF editor for publication)
Document ID: doc14639
Description: This document provides the specification for GLUE 2.0
Version Comment:
Version Created By: Sergio Andreozzi - 02/23/2009 7:31 PM EST
Status: Draft
Current Version: 49
Size: 2.41 MB
Lock:  Unlocked

Versions Associations Review  
  Active Version Version Comment Review Created By Status
Active Version 49 Sergio Andreozzi - 02/23/2009 Draft
Version 48 Sergio Andreozzi - 02/15/2009 Draft
Version 47 Sergio Andreozzi - 02/08/2009 Draft
Version 46 Sergio Andreozzi - 02/02/2009 Draft
Version 45 Sergio Andreozzi - 12/09/2008 Draft
Version 44 Sergio Andreozzi - 12/09/2008 Draft
Version 43 Sergio Andreozzi - 12/03/2008 Draft
Version 42 document sent to public comment Sergio Andreozzi - 05/28/2008 Draft
Version 41 Sergio Andreozzi - 05/14/2008 Draft
Version 40 added ApplicationEnvironment.BestBenchmark added UserDomain.Member refined more data types Sergio Andreozzi - 04/21/2008 Draft
Version 39 changed definition of dataStore, fix on storageService2computingService association Sergio Andreozzi - 04/18/2008 Draft
Version 38 revised storage according to latest telecon cleaned relationship storage/computing Sergio Andreozzi - 04/17/2008 Draft
Version 37 added definition of accessLatency and expirationMode definitions Sergio Andreozzi - 04/14/2008 Draft
Version 36 changed policy part to allow same policy to be advertised using different schemes; fixed storage part following today telecon; added initial grammar for policy rules Sergio Andreozzi - 04/14/2008 Draft
Version 35 revision of storage part Sergio Andreozzi - 04/14/2008 Draft
Version 34 Removed StorageShare.Type, StorageEnvironment.Architecture, modified link StorageResource->StorageEnvironment Felix Ehm - 04/06/2008 Draft
Version 33 - fixed all units and data types - added a value in serviceCapabilities_t Sergio Andreozzi - 03/28/2008 Draft
Version 32 * added LocalID vs. ID clarification * updated LocalID definition * moved Policy LocalID to AccessPolicy and MappingPolicy Sergio Andreozzi - 03/28/2008 Draft
Version 31 Removed StorageCapacity-Resource link, new Architecture enumeration, updated multiplicities in Capacity, AccessProtocol Felix Ehm - 03/27/2008 Draft
Version 30 updated/added explanations. MappingPolicy/Environment may aggregate Capacity Felix Ehm - 03/26/2008 Draft
Version 29 - improved endpoint description - all enumeration values, small letters - changed part of values for - Service/EndpointCapability - Added Advance Reservation attributes from NAREGI requirements Sergio Andreozzi - 03/19/2008 Draft
Version 28 Computing: added CPUTimeScalingFactor and WallTimeScalingFactor to ExecEnv; added explanation text Storage: from StorageSpace to StorageCapacity, moved ImplName/ver in StResource, moved Arch in StorEnv Sergio Andreozzi - 03/14/2008 Draft
Version 27 various changes after OGF sessions Sergio Andreozzi - 02/28/2008 Draft
Version 26 - cleaned some relationship - added storage resource for consistency Sergio Andreozzi - 02/27/2008 Draft
Version 25 integrated changes after session 1: * sharePolicy attributes merged with share; just state as separated * added some comments on MaxCPUTime (per CPU vs. total) * fix of some multiplicity in relationships * endpoint type, added comments Sergio Andreozzi - 02/27/2008 Draft
Version 24 - checked all property types - created all _t data types in appendix - fixed Storage UML Sergio Andreozzi - 02/24/2008 Draft
Version 23 - merge of storage service draft - added benchmark class, fixed applicationenvironment uml - reformattting paul appendix - updated list of authors Sergio Andreozzi - 02/21/2008 Draft
Version 22 Sergio Andreozzi - 02/19/2008 Draft
Version 21 Sergio Andreozzi - 02/18/2008 Draft
Version 20 Sergio Andreozzi - 02/01/2008 Draft
Version 19 - modified applicationEnvironment according to australianGrid req - added applicationEnvPolicy/State as tentative - modified some relationship in computing entities Sergio Andreozzi - 01/17/2008 Draft
Version 18 - added syntax for restricted dateTime format Sergio Andreozzi - 12/01/2007 Draft
Version 17 - added service/endpoint capability description - changed Endpoint.State to Endpoint.HealthState - added comment to managementPolicy Sergio Andreozzi - 11/27/2007 Draft
Version 16 - added inherited attributes for main entities - added appendix for renderings - added initial types for endpointCapability and ServiceCapability Sergio Andreozzi - 11/27/2007 Draft
Version 15 - share, share state, share policy and resource as abstract - downtime attributes in a separated class - TrustedCA from Endoint to AccessPolicy Sergio Andreozzi - 11/20/2007 Draft
Version 14 fix v. number Sergio Andreozzi - 11/16/2007 Draft
Version 13 - revised Endpoint Sergio Andreozzi - 11/16/2007 Draft
Version 12 added place, country, postcode to location entity Sergio Andreozzi - 11/15/2007 Draft
Version 11 - update of Service entity - added service to service relationship Sergio Andreozzi - 11/06/2007 Draft
Version 10 fixes from todays telecon on admindomain, contact and location Sergio Andreozzi - 10/25/2007 Draft
Version 9 draft 8 - incorporated OGF 21 comments Sergio Andreozzi - 10/20/2007 Draft
Version 8 draft 8 - incorporate OGF 21 comments Sergio Andreozzi - 10/20/2007 Draft
Version 7 draft 7 Sergio Andreozzi - 10/16/2007 Draft
Version 6 added rewriting of diagrams with magicdraw Sergio Andreozzi - 10/10/2007 Draft
Version 5 Sergio Andreozzi - 10/09/2007 Draft
Version 4 Sergio Andreozzi - 10/09/2007 Draft
Version 3 update of diagrams and addition of first draft of integration with Reference Model Sergio Andreozzi - 09/28/2007 Draft
Version 2 added OGF template; improved Element definition Sergio Andreozzi - 07/10/2007 Draft
Version 1 Sergio Andreozzi - 06/27/2007 Draft

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/docman/do/viewDocument/projects.glue-wg/docman.root.drafts.archive/doc14639?nav=1 at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 11:34:41 GMT