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PGI f2f Workshop, 29-30 April 2010, Amsterdam
PGI f2f Workshop Amsterdam, 29-30 April 2010


### 2010-04-28

9:00 CET - 9:30 CET
Logistics and check of video-conferencing facilities

9:30 CET - 10:30 CET (STRICT TIME)
Process Status and Update

10:30 CET - 10:45 CET
Short E-Mail and Coffee Break
There is a large cafeteria on the second floor in the adjacent building of

10:45 CET - 12:00 CET
Requirement Discussions

12:00 CET - 13:00 CET
Lunch break
There is a restaurant across the street 

13:00 CET - 14:30 CET
Requirement Discussions

14:30 CET - 15:00 CET
E-Mails and Coffee break

15:00 CET - 16:30 CET
Requirement Discussions

16:30 CET - 17:00 CET
E-Mail, Snacks, and Coffee Break

17:00 CET - 18:30 CET
Requirement Discussions

18:30 CET - 20:00 CET
Getting to Hotels, etc.

~ 20:00 CET
Dinner at some Restaurant in Amsterdam

### 2010-04-29

9:00 CET - 9:30 CET
Status Update of yesterday and Progress Debrief

9:30 CET - 10:30 CET
Requirements Discussions

10:30 CET - 10:45 CET
E-Mails and Coffee break

10:45 CET - 12:00 CET
Requirements Discussions

12:00 CET - 13:00 CET
Lunch break

13:00 CET - 14:30 CET
Requirement Discussions

14:30 CET - 15:00 CET
E-Mails and Coffee break

15:00 CET - 16:30 CET
Requirement Discussions

16:30 CET - 17:00
F2F Meeting Debrief and next steps

17:00 CET - ...
Starting travel...


Meeting notes

participants in Amsterdam:
Morris, Shabhaz, Balazs, Etienne, Luigi, Johannes
on the call:
Steve Crouch, Tim Parkinson, Andrew, Mark, Emmanouil, Oxana, David Wallom, David Snelling

Start: 9:55

list in wiki with ~210 requirements
condensed list created over the last days in gridForge
dropped items marked as "dropped" in details

Andrew: should use "raise hand" functionality
Andrew: any correlation between numbers/ids of old and new version
numbers of spreadsheet

screensharing - raise hand

start at the beginning of the list

look at the process

David S:
progress on refining requirements
next steps, outcome of this workshop: agreement
mutual understanding on requirments

some requirmenents got dropped, want to bring some of them back

outcome: agreed list of requirements in scope of PGI

if we want to make decisions - want to see the process of decision making

should talk about

David S:
recommend to quickly go through the requirements
general agreement

one objection is enough to do it in the second round

comments to the process?

Dave S:
everybody has to understand it first and then quickly accept or reject it

once you have a requirement what to do next
what is the next step in the process?

everybody can come up with a strawman

forward the list to BES, JSDL,... groups

David S:
call for suggestions?

need some criteria to select

David S:
how long do people have to put together strawman proposals

collect by OGF29
select at OGF30

problems with this timeline?

David W:
should work on strawmen at OGF29

don't have to be completed totally but in a shape to be able to discuss them

more important to get good starter strawmen from different directions

Dave S:
by end of OGF29 you need to have chosen one

would be tough

go through the process
on the screensharing

yes - no triage quick
list of condensed list pdf - re-proposed ha
everybody agrees to say yes and keep them

when we have the requirements ...
any strawman that answers as many requirements as possible
might be numerous ones

Strawman collected At OGF29 jUne 20th
Decided on

Select strawman  by OGF30

David S:
hos does this fit with other...
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Re: PGI f2f Workshop, 29-30 April 2010, Amsterdam
PGI f2f Workshop Amsterdam, 29-30 April 2010


### 2010-04-28

9:00 CET - 9:30 CET
     Logistics and check of video-conferencing facilities

9:30 CET - 10:30 CET (STRICT TIME)
     Process Status and Update

10:30 CET - 10:45 CET
     Short E-Mail and Coffee Break
     There is a large cafeteria on the second floor in the adjacent building of NIKHEF.

10:45 CET - 12:00 CET
     Requirement Discussions

12:00 CET - 13:00 CET
     Lunch break
     There is a restaurant across the street (

13:00 CET - 14:30 CET
     Requirement Discussions

14:30 CET - 15:00 CET
     E-Mails and Coffee break

15:00 CET - 16:30 CET
     Requirement Discussions

16:30 CET - 17:00 CET
     E-Mail, Snacks, and Coffee Break

17:00 CET - 18:30 CET
     Requirement Discussions

18:30 CET - 20:00 CET
     Getting to Hotels, etc.

~ 20:00 CET
     Dinner at some Restaurant in Amsterdam

### 2010-04-29

9:00 CET - 9:30 CET
     Status Update of yesterday and Progress Debrief

9:30 CET - 10:30 CET
     Requirements Discussions

10:30 CET - 10:45 CET
     E-Mails and Coffee break

10:45 CET - 12:00 CET
     Requirements Discussions

12:00 CET - 13:00 CET
     Lunch break

13:00 CET - 14:30 CET
     Requirement Discussions

14:30 CET - 15:00 CET
     E-Mails and Coffee break

15:00 CET - 16:30 CET
     Requirement Discussions

16:30 CET - 17:00
     F2F Meeting Debrief and next steps

17:00 CET - ...
     Starting travel...


Meeting notes

participants in Amsterdam:
Morris, Shabhaz, Balazs, Etienne, Luigi, Johannes

on the call:
Steve Crouch, Tim Parkinson, Andrew, Mark, Emmanouil, Oxana, David Wallom, David Snelling

Start: 9:55

list in wiki with ~210 requirements
condensed list created over the last days in gridForge
dropped items marked as "dropped" in details


  should use "raise hand" functionality
  any correlation between numbers/ids of old and new version

  numbers of spreadsheet

  screensharing - raise hand
  start at the beginning of the list

  look at the process

David S:
  progress on refining requirements
  next steps, outcome of this workshop: agreement
  mutual understanding on requirments

  some requirmenents got dropped, want to bring some of them back

  outcome: agreed list of requirements in scope of PGI

  if we want to make decisions - want to see the process of decision making

  should talk about

David S:
  recommend to quickly go through the requirements
  general agreement

  one objection is enough to do it in the second round

  comments to the process?

Dave S:
  everybody has to understand it first and then quickly accept or reject it
  once you have a requirement what to do next
  what is the next step in the process?

  everybody can come up with a strawman

  forward the list to BES, JSDL,... groups

David S:
  call for suggestions?

  need some criteria to select

David S:
  how long do people have to put together strawman proposals

  collect by OGF29
  select at OGF30

  problems with this timeline?

David W:
  should work on strawmen at OGF29

  don't have to be completed totally but in a shape to be able to discuss them

  more important to get good starter strawmen from different directions

Dave S:
  by end of OGF29 you need to have chosen one

  would be tough

  go through the process
  on the screensharing

(1)  yes - no triage quick
     list of condensed list pdf - re-proposed ha
     everybody agrees to say yes and keep them quickly

(2)  when we have the requirements ...
     any strawman that answers as many requirements as possible
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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/discussion/do/listPosts/projects.pgi-wg/discussion.meetings.topc4299 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 17:45:42 GMT