03/21/2005 6:12 PM
minutes INFOD call on Feb 24 2005
Attendees: Abdeslem Djaoui, Vijay Dialani, Susan Malaika, Dieter Gawlick, Chris Kantarjiev, Cecile Madsen (minutes)
* security and identity management:
* security document sent by Vijay to Dieter - to be also sent to the group - defines
secure context for INFOD objects to interact with each other
* what are the options for INFOD for security model based on existing INFOD model
* and existing standards
* INFOD's scope doesn't include security per se but will need to refer to it -
* mention of SAML OASIS model and Liberty Gp model
* uml profiles:
* Chris looking at how to use these profiles for the INFOD interfaces
* will be used to both debug the interfaces and generate the appropriate wsdl and xml
* Vijay to work with him
* vocabulary:
* what model for INFOD to use
* OGSA looking at SIM model but not clear will use it
* issue with ontology and semantics: schemas may be a materialization of a
vocabulary but we may also need to define semantics for our vocabulary
* mention of Pedro project from University of Manchester - link to be sent to the group
* to-dos:
* everyone has sections assigned to for GGF13 documents, either specs or use-cases
* specs are stable, so changes consist of adding missing sections and cleaning or
clarifying other sections; and building use cases more tightly with specs
* updates to be sent prior to the next call, where the group will review them
* next call: 9AM Thursday March 3rd