03/31/2005 10:18 PM
Minutes 30 March F2F, 31 March Telecon
(Notes by Cecile)
FYI: Longer note; includes:
1.F2F Meeting minutes Mar 30th: discussion items and to-dos
2.Weekly call minutes Mar 31st
1.INFOD F2F Meeting, at Oracle, on March 30th
Vijay Dialani, Dieter Gawlick, Chris Kantarjiev, Cecile Madsen
Shailendra Mishra, Dmitri Lenkov
* follow-up item from GGF13: reintroduce all of publisher, subscriber, consumer (identities)
and publication, subscription, consumption ('artifacts')
- need for formal definitions (review of existing definitions still need to be validated, to
close that issue)
* new use case scenario: support of the 'best' option
- due to the dynamic nature of publications, publishers, etc., a subscription
may need to include information about how to notify consumers of changes to the
subscription dependencies (additional publishers, removal of publishers that occur
over time, etc.).
- this includes scenarios where the consumer expects to receive its messages from the 'best'
publisher (given some properties) and thus also includes cases where a choice needs to be
made between multiple publishers.
- a similar discussion applies to interfaces other than subscription, but subscription is the most
critical one: for ex, allow publishers to pick the 'best' Disseminator.
* new drawing: the 'INFOD cloud'
- delimited by Disseminators, which define boundary between outside and inside the cloud
- a cloud is defined by a 'Registration manager' (assume 1-1 relationship)
- Publishers and Consumers are identities outside the cloud.
- Picture to be sent by Vijay to the infod group. Dieter to include it in specs (first sections)
* Understanding WS-Eventing relationship with WSN
- fyis for the INFOD group. Susan will follow-up.
* Complex Event Processing at Disseminator: an example of consumption
* follow-up from GGF13: decomposing Interfaces, for easier consumption by the community;
3 levels/stages were proposed:
- level 1: deliver interfaces for publisher, consumer and operations for scenarios
with 0 or 1 disseminator - should be similar to wsn scenarios -
- level 2: add operational characteristics as needed for propagation (suppport
scenarios with 2 Disseminators)
- level 3: full support of all operational characteristics (for ex, choice of Disseminators,
strategy of propagation, etc.)
It is understood that the line between level 2 and level 3 is blurry.
More work needed to further clarify it.
* INFOD and Vocabularies - presentation by Dmitry Lenkov
- Ontologies needed: support scenarios where subscription vocabulary
is different from publisher's. Mapping of semantics needed.
- Mapping is not in the INFOD scope but a service needed by INFOD.
It's a 'black box': INFOD needs to know what is expected from it to make use of it.
The more function it will deliver, the more function INFOD will be able to take
advantage of.
- Vocabularies available: sql99, xpath/xml/xquery, rdf/sparcle/owl, cim, ...
but no agreed upon standards yet
- INFOD scenarios a good use case for Vocabularies standards group (Vijay to follow-up)
* INFOD and Identities - briefly discussed
- also a black box from INFOD perspective
- important difference is that standards exist for Identities that INFOD can make use of now
* Propagation - Shailendra Mishra
- includes both topology support (directed network explicitly by users or optimized scenarios
where system itself generates subscriptions between Disseminators) and scheduling functions
(only propagate when time is 'right')
- policies for propagation are to be defined and included in specs (Shailendra)
- dynamic information needs to be queried and updated to support efficient propagation
(need to calculate probability that data gets to a particular Disseminator)
- Registration manager doesn't contain dynamic data, so keep it somewhere else
- this topic leads to network provisioning and end-end quality of service requirements
* WSDL/UML demo - Vijay
- Vijay stepped thru installation/demo of Rational Tooling
- we'll have to first...
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