11/04/2004 2:01 PM
Minutes from Nov 4 2004
Minutes for GGF-Process WG
November 4, 2004
Attendees: Tony Genovese, Cees de Laat, David Martin, Dane Skow, Greg Newby, Steve Crumb
From our meeting we decided to work from the issues list. We need to finish the issues list. Each author would be
assigned the issues. Each author then would produce a doc to cover their issues.
1. Find who took minutes :-)
David is sending them around.
2. Review our process from last meeting.
Dane has agreed to work the issues he's tagged in the issues list in the context of the revision of GFD.1. Greg has
volunteered to work on this with him.
Steve C. volunteered to work on the GFD.2 revision for organization
David M. is working on the IP document(s?).
2. Review issues list for completeness
3. Insure each issue is assigned to an author.
Need to find someone to take over for Jenny on the remaining
items she was covering.
We are short of volunteers to cover all documents. Focus now
on the documents for which there are volunteers.
4. Preliminary document list?
Cees volunteered to maintain a webpage linked off our GForge
group page (but not in GForge itself) with lists of reference
documents, drafts under revisions and assignments. He will
start this directly.
1. Should we schedule a couple more meeting before the Christmas break?
2 weeks.
Request from both timezone extrema participant (Greg and Cees) that an hour earlier would be more convenient. Tony will
pose the question to the list or decide.