04/12/2006 11:58 AM
Customer guarantees and qualifying conditions
Customer obligations can come from the template,
or can be added by the initiator in to the offer, but all of the
initiator obligations are in the offer. As for the qualifying
conditions, the customer obligations (e.g. request rate) or the
non-controllable ones (e.g. time) specify when the guarantee is
04/12/2006 11:47 AM
Reply to service state and agree state diagra
We consider the agreement state and the service
state to be independent. For example, agreement creation does not
necessarily mean that the service is created. Thus, it does not
seem possible to have a state transition diagram that joins the
service state with the agreement state. To do this, we would also
need to link the agreement to the service when the service is being
accessed, and we have not specified that at this time either. We
have added text to make it clear that the service states are only
applicable when the agreement is observed.
04/12/2006 11:36 AM
Reply to structure and service name comments
We do not see the need for the symmetrical
discovery of guarantee terms by service as it can be derived. Can
you provide us a use case to help us see the need? As for the
structure, comment, we agree, though we do provide some structure
for alternatives. We do assume that all terms are non-optional,
though in the case of guarantee terms business value can make them
optional to a certain extent. We do support some higher level
language to be used in terms.
04/07/2006 12:21 PM
Reply to Semantics and Constraints section
We will introduce text that makes the relationship of the template to the agreement offer more clear.
Also, it is understood that it may be that the current design, of a provider created template, may be somewhat
advantageous to the provider, just as prices in a store are advantageous to the store owner. More complex structures,
allowing a bartering (i.e. negotiation) are outside the present scope, so all we have is the initial "hint" from the
provider. We agree that we do not presently provide the initiator any more support than this initial hint in generating
an offer which is more to its liking.
04/07/2006 12:18 PM
Reply to contract fulfillment concern
The contract is fulfilled when the state has transistioned to one of the terminating states. A common method for this
to happen is for the expiration time of the agreement to be reached. The new termination operation is another method.
It should be clear that an agreement, and its guarantee terms, can be an on-going relationship govening delivery of a
service, so it is necessary that we have the state transitions and expiratation as described above.
04/07/2006 11:28 AM
Reply to Negotiation concern
Negotiation is considered outside the scope of the current specification. This is is something we will consider in the
next version of WS-Agreement, please consider contributing to that discussion if it is of concern to you.