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Some findings...
Page 248, item 4 and 11. The URL is wrong. There is a leading '/' to remove.

Job Management:
The "Unknown" and "New" state are unclear to us. In our opinion when you create a job either with the factory or 
directly with the constructor of the specific incarnation, we enter the "New" state. The "Unknown" state is now reserved
 for the very short time the object is instantiated but we directly switch to "New" once the constructor is finished. 
The principle in OO programming is to have a stable object once you finish constructing it and calling method; if the 
constructor is not enough to have a stable object you need a factory. So when you get an object back it should be in a 
stable state, thus the "Unknown" state is superficial in our opinion. 

Some metrics or attributes or the Job are useless since they come directly from the descriptor, Example: "ExecutionHosts
", "WorkingDirectory" or "CPUTimeLimit". Unless you consider that these values might be different from the job 
description. Or if the job description doesn’t mention them the job can have these values assigned by the back-end. 
Either case the API documentation should clarify this. 

In the document section 3.8.8 Examples the example at line 16 and 17 is wrong (or the method is overwritten). There 
should be no string argument. The host should be set in the descriptor.

Page 212, small typo: "// management methids" -> "// management methods"

Is it possible to add a metric or attribute to the stream class to tell what the underlying protocol in use is? Also if 
we imaging a streaming based on the HTTP protocol we might have proxy issues. In such case is the proxy handling outside
 the scope of this class or would you allow metric or attribute extensions?

So far in my investigation...


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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/discussion/do/listPosts/projects.ggf-editor/discussion.rec_saga_spec.topc3990 at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 23:19:31 GMT