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PGI :  New Execution Service  vs.  OGSA–BES profiling

Start a new 'PGI Execution Service' specification :  Advantages and Disadvantages

Pro Contra
Document focuses only on relevant parts Many solved requirements have to be duplicated from the OGSA-BES specification
The features condiered important will be in the core specification, and not in some external profile

Keep the OGSA–BES et al. specifications as a basis :  Advantages and Disadvantages

Note that et al. here refers to all related OGF specifications such as the HPC-BasicProfile.

Pro Contra
Many requirements already met in the document Many elements will be deprecated such as BESManagement portType
Some specifications have been already distributed in many channels (e.g. OGSA-BES acknowledged in DMTF CIM) Backwards compatibility will be broken anyway
Specification refers to many different other specifications

List of OGSA-BES et al. specifications   (TO BE VERIFIED)

Short Name OGF Title Link and Description
GLUE 2 GLUE Specification v. 2.0   is an information model for Grid entities described using the natural language and UML Class Diagrams. As a conceptual model, it is designed to be independent from the concrete data models adopted for its implementation. Rendering to concrete data models such XML Schema, LDAP Schema and SQL are provided in a separate document.
GLUE 2 Realization GLUE v. 2.0 – Reference Realizations to Concrete Data Models This document provides information to the Grid community regarding the realization of the GLUE information model (v.2.0) as XML Schema, SQL Schema and LDAP Schema; note that this document is not final yet
WS-Addressing   defines an XML data structure called the end point reference (EPR) that encapsulates the information the client needs to message a service. The EPR includes a network protocol and address, an extensible metadata section to convey information such as security policy, and an opaque section for session/resource identifiers.
WS-Naming WS-Naming Specification   profiles WS-Addressing to provide identities and name rebinding. An optional EPR metadata element called end point identifier (EPI) is a URI that is unique in space and time. Clients can compare the EPIs contained in two or more EPRs. If the EPIs are the same, the EPRs are said to point to the same entity. The semantics of the underlying service determine sameness. If the EPIs are different, nothing can be inferred. We may want to use WS-Naming for the ability to uniquely identify and compare jobs. We use them in accounting records.
OGSA-WSRF-BP OGSA® WSRF Basic Profile 1.0   provides mechanism to discover properties or attributes of grid resources or services, for example, the port-types, security mechanisms, and the provenance of data. The OGSA WS-RF Base Profile addresses selected WSRF-RP specifications including the operation getResourceProperties, which returns an XML document with the metadata associated with a resource.
JSDL Job Submission Description Language (JSDL) Specification, Version 1.0 [Obsoletes GFD.56]   Job Submission Description Language documents are XML documents that describe a job: the resource requirements such as memory, number and type of CPUs, supported libraries, etc.; the input and output files, where they can be found, file access protocols to be used when staging data in and out; and the parameters to be passed to the application. If the application is not installed for a particular execution environment it must first be installed. Often this is accomplished by staging-in the application as well as the input data files. JSDL files are given to execution services to execute the described job.
OGSA-BES OGSA® Basic Execution Service Version 1.0   Basic Execution Services) is a simple interface for creating new jobs, monitoring them, and managing their lifetime in addition to providing information useful for making scheduling decisions. On top of the JSDL and OGSA-BES specifications, the HPC Profile Group inside the OGF has defined a number of specifications and profiles on existing specifications which further aide in interoperability. Note that an important philosophical decision was made (after much arguing) that all operations on activities would be via the containing BES resource – not by making explicit calls on the activity. In other words no operations could take place directly on the activity. Although some BES drafts tried to handle file staging, the published OGF recommendation does NOT.
HPC-BP HPC Basic Profile, Version 1.0   High Performance Computing Basic Profile defines a simplified Application element which can be used inside of JSDL documents to more easily annotate how a sequential application should be run (what the executable is called, what the arguments are for the command line, etc.).
HPC-BP FSE HPC File Staging Profile, Version 1.0   File-Staging Extensions expands on the normal JSDL Data Staging elements to standardize on data staging protocols that can be used to copy data in and out of an application run.
RNS Resource Namespace Service Specification   Resource Namespace Service provides a basic directory service, mapping strings (paths) to WS-Addressing EPRs. RNS has functions to list, insert, and delete entries. Note that RNS is an interface… it can be supported by many different types of resources to provide a standard way to interact with non-functional aspects of the resources. For example, nearly every Genesis II grid resource available to the user exists as a named path in a grid-wide RNS space (this includes everything from file and directories to execution containers, queues, running applications and even non-grid web sites).
JSDL PSJE JSDL Parameter Sweep Job Extension   Parameter Sweep Job Extension specifies the syntax and semantics of the proposed Parameter Sweep extension to the Job Submission Description Language (JSDL) 1.0. The syntax and semantics defined in this document provide an alternative to explicitly submitting thousands of individual JSDL job submissions of the same base job template, except with a different set of parameters for each.


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