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  • Maarten Lithmaath (CERN)
  • Stephen Burke (RAL)
  • Sergio Andreozzi (CNAF)
  • Riccardo Zappi (CNAF)
  • Paul Millar (DESY)

Summary actions

  • Stephen to make proposal for data store
  • Paul to update the doc after Stephen proposal


Paul summarizing the evolution in the last two weeks.

Discussion on differences between Stor.Res. and Sto.Env. with examples

es. StoRM@CNAF

S.R. 1: GPFS 3.1 S.R. 2: GPFS 3.2 S.R. 3: TSM

es. CERN S.R. 1: Castor

Discussing rel. between S.E. and S.C.; why is 1..* ?

feeling that the current structure is not easy to understand. Different people have different view. E.g.: Paul sees StorageCapacity as referring a real entity, while for Stephen is just a data type which instance is meaningful only if related to the aggregator class (e.g., storage env, storage share)

For Sergio, the storage environment complicates the schema with no real value, it was added a while ago in order to have a simple way to access the type of AccessLatency/RetentionPolicy supported by the storage service; we could put back the two properties in the storage share and related the share to the storage resources; moreover, the storage resource could be related one-to-many to the storage capacity

Other proposal from Stephen, to introduce the concept of Data Store (or similar) to represent physical systems. He will send a proposal

The other issue is that StorageCapacity can be used to represent a cache area in a storage system; need to refine the type attribute Proposal: type: cache, online, nearline (open enumeration, it is for humans)

Agree to have next telecon, Friday 11th April, 11 AM CEST


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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.glue-wg/wiki/PhoneMeeting20080409_1? at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 11:41:02 GMT