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  • Items which came up during talk with Flavia Donno:
    • what is the pupose of 'architecture' in the StorageService? Needs to be defined.
    • what is the 'Supported Profile' on a StorageEndpoint ?
    • define 'Type' attribute inherited from Service. What is it in case of a StorageService?
    • downtimes on access protocols
    • durable and volatile StorageEnvironment entities need to be accompanied with a time
    • 'path' in StorageShare neccessary?


  • Sergio Andreozzi
  • Laurence Field
  • Felix Ehm
  • Paul Millar
  • Stephen Burke
  • Maarten Litmaath
  • Balazs Konya


Architecture: what are the possible values? how to use it?

  • was inherited from GLUE 1.3
  • may have different values for different sub-systems

Agree to move to StorageEnvironment

What is the difference between a Storage Environment and Storage Space

  • different types of qualities for storage
    • each type of quality of storage has status and size info
  • in each type, different shares can be created
    • each share has a state

Agree to rename StorageSpace in StorageCapacity

What are the relationships and multiplicity between StorageCapacity and the rest of entities?

StorageResource (1)----(*) StorageCapacity
StorageEnvironment (1)----(1) StorageCapacity
StorageShare (1)----(?) torageCapacity

In ComputingResource, we have LRMSType/Version. How do we publish name and version of Torque/MAUI? Do we need it? (e.g. for statistics) Not resolved

Do we keep storageResource and allow SS 1--* SR ? Not resolved

What is a Storage Resource? Is what is left if you remove the Grid layer

Examples? Action to provide examples

Actions: Felix, Balazs, Paul to provide examples as XML document or natural language; the important is to consider a real system and to describe for each class, how many instances, which values for each attribute and the relationships among class instances


Versions Associations Attachments Back Links  
Version Version Comment Created By
Version 8 Sergio Andreozzi - 03/14/2008
Version 7 Sergio Andreozzi - 03/14/2008
Version 6 Sergio Andreozzi - 03/14/2008
Version 5 Sergio Andreozzi - 03/14/2008
Version 4 Felix Ehm - 03/14/2008
Version 3 Felix Ehm - 03/14/2008
Version 2 Sergio Andreozzi - 03/11/2008
Version 1 Sergio Andreozzi - 03/11/2008

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum GridForge content management system saved from host file /sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.glue-wg/wiki/PhoneMeeting20080314_1?showDetails=true at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 19:04:47 GMT